food The Drunken Chef

Geez Louise Paul! I haven't had poke chops in forever! I'm dyin' here with that mac n' cheese! That plate is pure hot blue and righteous sex on a plate amigo!! That's my new ultimate rating!!
Looks like some tatsy eats :) makin' me hungry! BBQ weather and beer=fun times!

Suggestion for your son, tie 4 bricks to that spatula and his guns will be 2 feet thick in no time :rofl: Although there is something disturbing about a muscle bound dude cooking...
Deathtosnails said:
Suggestion for your son, tie 4 bricks to that spatula and his guns will be 2 feet thick in no time :rofl: Although there is something disturbing about a muscle bound dude cooking...

Whaaat????? Wasn't that Paulky?
Gonna be cooking some food tonight, any idea's as to what I should cook?

Just gimmie an ingredient and ill do a dish around that ingredient
Looks great paulky! What savings on the meat!!

Is that kid using an inappropriate spoon rest? Check the pic, that thing looks like balls.

The keystein is the greatest invention I have ever seen! Well done amigo!
Deathtosnails said:
Although there is something disturbing about a muscle bound dude cooking...

Disturbing?????? NOT AT ALL! I LOVE watching a muscle-bound dude cook for me...especially SalsaDude ;)

Great looking dinner, Pauly. I'm starving, so it's off to the larder. Kid'll be home soon and the first thing out of his mouth will be..."Hi Mom. I'm Starving, got anything to eat?" ..........
Nice night here so I fired up the grill. Decided on bugers and fries. The chicken will be used tomorrow. Figured while the grill was hot...




Served with a growler of DogfishHead Shelter Pale Ale.
Oh and yesterday I blackened some catfish. Check 'em out.




This stuff was dynamite. I drizzled some of Cajun Island's Blackened Bourbon Sauce on it after it was finished. Thanks to Nick from Cajun Island for turning me on to this stuff.
That's sexy! Be careful I'm horny for food :lol:
All of it. Well not the chicken, but the burger and fish!!!!