food The Drunken Chef

Thanks for the compliments guys.
We cant take any of the credit, however. Those Fish and Chips were made by AMERICA!!!!
grilled these a couple weeks ago



this is whats on the plate today with a 30 pack of beer :cool:
the mrs dash container has fatalii powder in it


gotta go & do something right now, then get ready to start the food feast.
Alrighty then ya'll. The Blues Kitchen got it goin' on once again last eve with teh drunken tomfoolishnessess...I went to the local hippy joint for some chorizo. Damn. They were out! But they did have some 'peno pork snausage! Hmmmm...I reckon that'll do, along with some Dogfishhead hosky in honor of my good friend Jay. Got home and rounded up the usual suspects. The piccys tell the story ya'll...


Gottem' outta' the casings and chopped 'em up..


Into the cast iron with garlic, onions, fresno and hab's, and the lovely can of rotell toms..


Turned the whole shebang into this!! Is there anything that goat cheese can't do? I think not!!


I dare ya'll to bring your Drunken Chef ya'll!!
I'm just envious that i can't be there to help you eat all of that goodness up. :D

I still have leftover snausage mix...but I got some portobello's I'm going to stuff tonight! Unusually I'm eating meat this weekend more so than not as my ma, sister, and my daughter drop into teh big dry ditch tomorrow for a visit. Ma doesn't eat much meat these days and I'll be cookin'.
You should use that leftover mix for some of that Godsent cheese and snausage dip that you made when I was there.
You should use that leftover mix for some of that Godsent cheese and snausage dip that you made when I was there.

That stuff was just pure evil! I loved it, especially with AJ's bhut juice...but man oh man the combo of velveeta and snausage I worry about getting stuck in my left ventricle!
Hey ya'll. My dear sweet mother and my sister and daughter visited this week here in the big dry ditch. We went out 2 nights but I fired up The Blues Kitchen wednesday night. Grilled portabello's stuffed with tex-mex rice and cotija cheese, the usual green salad and veggies with blue cheese/balsamic vin dressing and then some grilled 15/20 prawns and red king crab. My daughter and I were the only drinkers present so we laid low but still managed to sneak in a shot of tequila here and there. I went to download the pics and discovered my daughter (Jackie) was remiss in her I can only present to you a small portion of teh evidence.....

Portabello's just before stuffing...


Grilled shellfish....yumbo! Marinated the shrimp in olive oil, garlic, sea salt, and hungarian paprika. SHHH! (I snuck in a few pinches of pequin powder!)


I reckon to be sure...The Blues Kitchen will be fully operational this weekend ya'll.

Cheers, Leslie.
Hey ya'll...gotta' hankerin' for some pizza but didn't feel like whoopin' up a batch of dough. Just so happens that naan bread makes a great pizza crust...'specially when done on the stone on the gas grill! Also wanted to try some of cajunheat's Fiery Cajun hotsauce from the selections he sent me. Great looking stuff too. Check it out..


I'm loving the mexi style cheese..


Feel free to take a personal timeout to gaze at the hotness....


Pizza is the perfect vehicle for hot sauce and this one is pretty good. A touch hotter than Tabasco but with a real nice smokiness combined with the heat. Just dadgum guuuud!


Dig it ya'll!
Yea I found that a pizza stone on the grill makes for an excellent crispy crust. I can't even come close to touching that kinda crispiness in the oven. Nicely done sir! Nicely DONE!