food The Drunken Chef

texas blues said:
'Bout time you showed up. You missed all the fun! mmmmm..hab cheddar. Where'd you get the fresno hot sauce? You make that?
What'd I miss?
I'll be back to making my own sauces soon, but this was Lulu's Brand Pepper Sauce and if you can find it it's amazing. As far as I know you can only get it at Petit Bois Cafe in Mississippi! Red Fresnos, tomatoes, lime juice and some other stuff, but yeah! Great ketchup replacement ;) said:
What'd I miss?
I'll be back to making my own sauces soon, but this was Lulu's Brand Pepper Sauce and if you can find it it's amazing. As far as I know you can only get it at Petit Bois Cafe in Mississippi! Red Fresnos, tomatoes, lime juice and some other stuff, but yeah! Great ketchup replacement ;)

Realtime mayhem and tomfoolishnessess is always more fun than after the fact. Keep asking questions. I'm trying to post whore my way to 3,000 before I find a pillow tonight...

Salute', TB.
Oh TB, I made mulled wine last night....

Some of the char, local clover honey, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and nugmeg with a shot of lemon rind. (yeah, needed orange, but didn't have)

Mmmmmmm...goooood. :D
Nope. The one in this pic.
You can only get it from the cafe by calling 228-497-7005
Ingredients: Peppers, vinegar, tomatoes, carrots, lime juice, salt & garlic.
And yes, they are Fresnos. It's delicious, call them up! :)
Lulu's Brand Pepper Sauce, Mild (think it's the only one they make)


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I've done something similar but without the spices. Kind of a poor man's port (Love the real tawny and ruby stuff) but taking a really chewy red, add some sugar and vodka...port!

Salute', TB.
Well, I'm sure you all have YOUR team, but down here in Miami, we're Dolphin's fans. They opened up their pre-season tonight, and me and SumBits threw down with some brewskies and a little thing called "Memphis Nachos" we learned from our Atlanta Buddy 5-o.
It is with a drunken, enlarged, and angry liver that I present to you our evening:
We had to make some last-minute BBQ pork, so we (reluctantly) used the oven, but we covered the pig with our famous spice rub and finished it with turbinado sugar to give it a nice crust. After that it was chopped to bits!
Cilantro, Cheese, Chips, and Sticky Fingers Habanero bbq sauce. I know, I know, you make your own. In a pinch, however, this stuff is really good. Cast Iron cause it's badass.

Topped the chips with the bbq pork, sauce, and cheese, baked her up a bit. Meanwhile whipped up some sour cream with 3 cloves of garlic, cilantro, and a pinch of salt. This sauce was amazing on the nachos!

And here's the final product.
It was so damn good. We diced up a garden fresh serrano, a red onion, and some cilantro on top. This could be served in any sports bar in America.
Many Many Many busch light tall boys were enjoyed as this was prepared and consumed. Go 'Phins!

You might notice a crushed can or two.
FD4 and Sum had a good time with this one. Hopefully Sum's kitchen will be done soon so our pics will have a different hue. Besides, Mrs. Frydad is sick of us messing up her kitchen.
Her Kitchen...HAH!!!

Good times. Thanks 5-o for the idea. Good football food.
Keepin it real in so fla.
FD and Sum.
No problem, guys. Glad my recipe was of service. You made some upgrades to it that I'll have to remember the next time I give this one a run.

Seeing those pictures of your kitchen counter make me feel a bit nostalgic. Tell Mrs. Frydad she's got youngins to take care of and to stay out of the know...the man's domain! haha
Ya'll are bringin' a tear to my eye...the pics and the manly man jibba-jabba make me want to get drunk with ya'll and say stupid stuff like..." I love you man......I oughta' kick your ass right now!!"
Good times.

That can sho' does get around don't it?

Great lookin' nacho's ya'll.

Salute', TB.
In celebration of not getting fired @ work (long story) I'll be getting plowed & re-making my chicken enchilada poppers that I made for the popper throwdown. I think I can make them better than I did for the throwdown. I think this will be happening on Thursday night. If not then, over the weekend sometime.
QuadShotz said:
Well bummers....hope ya feel better Impy....

*Hugs & passes over a Obsidian Stout*

Yay on the enchilada poppers though! :D

Hehehe, reading...ur doin it wrong. I said I DIDN'T get fired. That's why I'm celebrating. I made a big mistake @ work & could've gotten fired...but they love me too much :). Thanks for the hugs & beer, though!
ImpyChick said:
In celebration of not getting fired @ work (long story) I'll be getting plowed & re-making my chicken enchilada poppers that I made for the popper throwdown. I think I can make them better than I did for the throwdown. I think this will be happening on Thursday night. If not then, over the weekend sometime.

Glad to hear everythang's cool Impy. I've tried to get myself fired on a daily basis for the very purpose of justifying my drunken ways.

Salute', TB.
QuadShotz said:

I know what ya said, but I figged it was a PITA moment for ya thus the bummers. ;)

Ah ha! I get it. Impy fail :). Yeah it was quite nerve-wracking. I'm still not 100% sure it's not going to come back to haunt me.
And food miraculously tastes better when it's been inverted. Make them an upside-down pie with something that will allow you to add an 'n' into the title... can't go wrong.
LMAO!!! You guys are too funny. Now I want pie.

Luckily, my boss loves habs :). I've already brought her a few from my balcony garden.
Impy- food also tends to gain flavor when it falls... hence the proliferation of candy-bar machines at highway rest stops. If you're going to share a basket of habs with the boss, I suggest you drop them first.