food The Drunken Chef

I have learned that I should not look through the drunken chef thread while hungry. The bite marks on my monitor are starting to take their toll.


PBR, I hear ya! It's really a pain cleaning the slobber off the monitor all the time (from licking the monitor) and trying to dry out the keyboard from the drool.

I hear there is a beer-proof keyboard out there somewhere. I'm going to have to look for the slobber proof keyboard!

MORE! MORE! MORE!.....howdoyalikeit-howdoyaliekeit... MORE! MORE MORE!


EDIT- PBR instead of PBF! OOOPS :oops: left the original cuz it's funny~ Sorry PolarBear!

btw- food for the next 3 days is all DC/Smoker inspired.
inspired by P. Dreadie's post of black eyed peas and cabbage for the New Year!


prep pic, note the glass

and Seconds are NACHOS!

Happy New Year!
That looks good.

Was watching a cooking show and thought I'd give the whole drunken chef thread a go.

I got drunk.

Chucked a whole bunch of stuff in a blender.

Squished it around a skewer and grilled it.

I even took lots of pictures showing the whole process with plenty of posed beer bottles in the background.

Unfortunately it looked like dog turd and tasted disgusting. I'm not going to inflict that on you good people.

At least I got drunk.
If I remember right, it all started with your pair of yellow cowboy boots and I made the "innocent" ;) comment that there are so many more uses for leather than yellow boots, and that doesn't include purses or wallets,
and it's been good fun ever since~

(just looked for the original thread...sigh...will keep looking)

BYW- The Black Eyed Peas were YUMMY, and Nachos are always a hit.

may be back with more~
Well I was watching a cooking show and he did it with cut up bits of pork. All I had was beef mince. I figured that it all looks the same after a turn in the food processor so I just chucked in a few of my favourite spices and whizzed it up. I might have overcooked it cos it was really dry.

That's how I tend to cook anyway... read a whole bunch of recipes that are similar and then do something similar from memory and add extra of whatever I want. It works most of the time.
Company coming for breakfast so starting things off right with some Mimosa’s.

Last night I nuked the potatoes so this morning I just need to dice up some onion, red and green bell peppers, slice up some Kielbasa and cut the potatoes into bite size pieces. Season with a little Lowry’s Season Salt. Then let everything get happy in the best Cast Iron.

Not everyone can handle the heat so for those of us that can a little diced Jalapeno and Green Habinero’s

Add a little sharp cheader and the diced peppers and it's time to eat!

Hope eneryone has a great day today!
Well this is my first post and I hope it is ok for any to contribute to this thread! I was a bit drunk and looking through this thread earlier and decided to try something with what I had on hand. I see seen something simlar ina earlier post. Pics are horrible I know, but it was delicious!




WELCOME! way to jump in here!

Awesome poppers! You can't go wrong with chile, bacon and cream cheese. Great first post, hope you have lots of fun, lots of great folks and tons if information here.

i dont know why I have never made poppers

i absolutely love them, and whenever Jay makes them i scarf them all up, but I never make my own

that might just have to change tomorrow, as its my 2nd day off in a row, chea chea!!!
WOW great to see somebody jump right in here with some great food, instead of "Hey I'm new here" Way to go reznik can't go wrong with bacon poppers :dance: :dance: