food The Drunken Chef

Hey ya'll! Now ya'll know that Fridays are Popper Night round these parts but not last night. Couldn't find any decent habs and same same with the japs. I picked up some nice serranos but not a lot of room in the canoe for stuffing them so....start drinking!

I began the night with the usual partners in crime, cerveza and tequila. I was also in the mood for a cocktail...
Mixed serrano, my own salsa, lemon and lime juice, fresh squeezed of course, V8, and a handful of 51-60's and......



Texas style..


When you absolutely got to mellow down easy, this combo will do the trick. Doctor recommended and Drunken Chef approved...

Go to next post ...

Got down brown and mellowed down easy, I had a fancy for chicken fried steak. Finished the "cocktail", had another shot, and fired up the dutch. Now ya'll know you're 'sposed to pair up CFS with white cream gravy but wanted something with a little more horsepower. Made a little roux, added some garlic and serranos, heavy cream and cheddar, jack, and mozz cheese, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper....



While the sauce was doing its 'thang I finished off another cerveza and dropped some breaded pounded cube steaks I had prepped earlier and dropped them into the dutch...


This pic speaks for itself ya'll.....CFS with serrano cheese sauce......



That's how we roll Rio Grande Valley style...

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Can you say YUMMY, boys & girls?

I couldn't decide if I wanted poppers or tacos this I'm making both today. It remains to be seen if they will be a drunken chef creation, but I'll definitely be drinking beer along with them.
ImpyChick said:
Can you say YUMMY, boys & girls?

I couldn't decide if I wanted poppers or tacos this I'm making both today. It remains to be seen if they will be a drunken chef creation, but I'll definitely be drinking beer along with them.

Impy, by all means post if even you have only one single beer. Understandably not every here on THP is a recreational alcoholic.

Poppers or taco's? Why not both? Bring'em on with the pics girl! I've seen your A+ work before....dig it.

Cheers, TB.
Love the presentation of the grub! It's all part of the eating experience. Food should be enjoyed, not just shoveled into your face like you're loading a musket!
You go girl. I'm thinkin' maybe a "Mega Popper". A pasilla or bell stuffed with stuffed habs. Or deep fried relleno's stuffed with stuffed habs. So many options. So much tequila.

Cheers, TB.
OK...I made the wings. They didn't turn out too well. I mixed a bunch of different sauces...& the end result just wasn't too tasty. They were hot as hell, yeah. But just...not good. And I have a ton of leftovers. *Sigh*

Oh lookie what's!
Drink about 8 or 9 of those beer thingys and those wings will be much more appetizing. Sorry they didn't turn out the way you hoped Impy. Trial and error and all that. I do that sometimes too, but usually I go with the one combo that I am sure will be great. Defcon 1 or 2, DM MKII, a little Fatalii sauce, and cajun seasoning.
See, Jay...your combo sounds fantastic. I think I just tried to do too damn much w/ the sauce. And I may just have to try some more wings after a few more of these here beer thingers.
Well usually that combo is failproof, but not tonight. Only after I fried my wings, sauced them, and put them in for a quick shot in the broiler before saucing them again, did I discover that they were freezer burnt and not good. Waste of sauce. Damn, and I have no more wings...
Oh no Jay! That sucks. At least I have someone to share in my bad wing misery, lol.

I think I know where I went wrong. When I was a kid the big thing to do @ soda fountains was to make "suicides" by taking a cup & adding a little of every soda that the fountain offered. Those were never any good! Well...I kinda did that tonight by adding a bunch of different sauces & some hab powder. The end result didn't really mesh well, even though the sauces by themselves are pretty good.

I guess there's nothing left to do tonight...but drink!
texas blues said:
You go girl. I'm thinkin' maybe a "Mega Popper". A pasilla or bell stuffed with stuffed habs. Or deep fried relleno's stuffed with stuffed habs. So many options. So much tequila.

Cheers, TB.
Dude, how about a pan of corn bread in the cast iron filled with poppers?! The cornbread becomes the breading, the poppers are filled with whatever you want... a Popper Pie!!!!!!! :hell:

If you don't make it, I will!