food The Drunken Chef



burned the shit out of my fingers on the burner though

went to pick it up with my right hand while it was still hot with a pad to clean it off in the sink, dropped the burner and grabbed it with my left hand so it didnt hit the floor, not even thinking of the fact that it was stupidly hot

yea I cant feel my thumb and my index finger on my left hand, they are starting to turn like a purplish gooey mush haha
Ouch! too bad on the burns. You must have thought this is the Injured Chef thread. This thread is slightly different :think:

edit: what I meant to say is... That steak burger looks awesome! :drooling: but... WHERE'S THE BOOZE?
yea I cant feel my thumb and my index finger on my left hand, they are starting to turn like a purplish gooey mush haha

No pics, didn't happen....... ;o)

Seriously though, sorry to hear about your burn - those totally suck. I just threw it a kiss.... does it feel better?
DO NOT ask him for injury pics. HE WILL POST THEM! Nice looking sammy Wheebz. What kind of steak did you use? BTW, next time I see you I expect you will make me some of those shrimp!
thats the 2xIPA, not the regular


Haven't seen those down here, I'll have to pay attention next time I'm in the beer store. What's the difference between the 2 is it 2x the hops or 2x the time dry hopped? I really love the hop profile of Iniquity is it beyond that?
it blows iniquity out of the water

let me put it this way

I hate IPA's, most of them are overly bitter, not balanced at all, and just toss a bunch of random hops in there just because

2x is actually perfectly balanced, and honestly the amount of dry hopping we do to this beer is just insane, BUT, it does come out really nice
I used to hate hate hate IPAs until very recently. I agree though that it seems like a lot of breweries try to outdo each other in hoppiness/bitterness in some sort of sick arms race. Moderately hoppy I can live with, but I don't want my beer to taste like a raw plant.
it blows iniquity out of the water

let me put it this way

I hate IPA's, most of them are overly bitter, not balanced at all, and just toss a bunch of random hops in there just because

2x is actually perfectly balanced, and honestly the amount of dry hopping we do to this beer is just insane, BUT, it does come out really nice

Your beer expertise is a FAIL for not posting pics. And as for IPA's, bitter is the style like it or not.
I think Father's Day is Sunday...or something like that. My wife asked what I would like to do...and since we have a screaing 2 month old, leaving the cave is out of the question. So...I decided ribs were in order. *I almost always smoke a dry rib.

These ingredients should work well for a rub...bonnets, arbol, nu-mex hots, and a bhut jolokia...and the other stuff...


Blend them down fine. My Chile-Head in training heard me in the pics...but he HAD to press the button on the chopper. He said he wanted to try it...I went first. I told him BBWWWWAAAANMMMMNANNNAAAAAA...which in 'lips and tongue are turning into lava' means, "NOPE".


Nice rack. Swine is fine.


Put just a dash on the rack...


Rub it in...


Close up of the goodness...


And off to the fridge 'til Sunday. 36 hours of seasoning. I'll warm it in the oven at about 225F to open the meat up a little more, and get the juices going, then smoke it over pecan for 5-6 hours.


Happy Father's Day!

I'll post up the progress on Sunday!
I used to put hot sauce on Brandon's thumb to prevent him from sucking it....

.....he continued to do it till he was 5. ;)

My neighbor across the way is in his late 40's, early 50's. His parents did the same to him when he was a kid, and it cured him of sucking his thumb. He also won't eat anything hotter than black pepper now. :(
it blows iniquity out of the water

let me put it this way

I hate IPA's, most of them are overly bitter, not balanced at all, and just toss a bunch of random hops in there just because

2x is actually perfectly balanced, and honestly the amount of dry hopping we do to this beer is just insane, BUT, it does come out really nice

I will look for the 2xIPA here. Just noticed that you are brewed that beer...I have had Southern Tier's IPA and really liked it. Well done!

Do you know of anywhere in the Atlanta area I could find the 2xIPA?
decided to do some breaded wings tonight

same method as last time, oven in a cup cake pan, rack to drain, pan fried and breaded with Panko and cilantro

sauce this time was a combo of daves mesquite salsa, smoked paprika, defon 2, peri peri sauce, bhut sauce thanks to JustAGuy, and garlic, gotta have garlic on everything I cook





just bought my first food processor, YESSSSS

probably going to use it for poppers monday or tuesday

I have a new idea for some habs I want to work with
dude ive never done them like this before, but i am working with the stuff in my shitty kitchen here at my new place and trying to do things I havent done before

and let me tell you what they were awesome
dude ive never done them like this before, but i am working with the stuff in my shitty kitchen here at my new place and trying to do things I havent done before

and let me tell you what they were awesome

Dude...I worked a 12 hour shift today....and then went straight to the grocery store.

..I'd lick the hot muffin tin!!! :rofl:
ive worked a 12 hour shift for the past 5 days homeslice, the fact that I even came home and tried to cook says something


IM COMIN FOR YOU TOMORROw!!!! the throwdown is gonna be epic

i actually have 2 different ideas I want to do, one of them was similar to yours paul, the new one I actually saw in one of my beer magazines 3 days ago

I was originally going to do a hot dog with the center cut out and stuffed with orange habs, topped with cole slaw, skirt steak like they do in Philly, and a fatalii cheese sauce, but being that I am going up against Pow I have to change my tactics

I am at a loss because I cant make my own dawgs from scratch like he can, which hurts me significantly, but my new idea is going to be a first that I have seen in a TD, as long as I can find the equipment to do it