food The Drunken Chef

I made a vegetable soup and one of the ingredients was some purple carrots. I'm growing some that are purple outside and orange inside but the ones I bought were all purple. They stained the soup like beetroot.

I know what you're thinking... purple soup isn't drunken chef material. I phatted it up with some pesto, aji lemon, chrizo, and jarlsberg cheese toast. I sprinkled some chilli dhukka on the soup too.


I started drinking when making it but ran out of beer before getting reallllly drunk. Sort of still counts.
YES YES AND YES. Rooze, you are hereby REQUIRED to enter the next throwdown. It's taken me 6 months, but I have gone from the wife shaking her head, and rolling her eyes at TD, "hey...maybe you should try putting the X on the Y after you cook the Z, then...".

Oh...I "forgot" to tell my wife there were habi's in her dinner. She had food poisining yesterday (not my f'in fault, she MY kitchen), and her stomach was still a bit rolly. I'm still giggling about it...she was a bit she indicated a few minutes ago upon going to bed saying, "my stomach still hurts, ass hole...did you do that on purpose?"

Ha Ha...I do all the cooking and the first thing she says every night is "what are we having?" followed by "is there extract in it?"...

(what's a Throw Down?....I'll have to dig around and check that out :) )
I started drinking when making it but ran out of beer before getting reallllly drunk. Sort of still counts.

Ran out of beer?! Holy crap, that's like running out of air :beer:

That does look good, never heard of purple carrots before....the cheesy toast looks me thinkin about food again, and beer...
got some epic wings on the way right now

cleaning the stove with a brewskie our of my 1 liter (33.8oz's for you americans...) mug before pan frying occurs


epic thai curry wings, some thai chili sauce, and idiot me adding what is right around 8 (edit its 12 globs, i counted in the bowl) globs of that Black Mamba extract, and this red thai curry sauce I picked up at wegmans to use as a base for some chicken curry I plan on making tomorrow night


tasted a finger of the final sauce about 7 minutes ago, and my lips still have a good tingle

I might set up my video camera and record this wing eating just for fun tonight and post it up

tasted a finger of the final sauce about 7 minutes ago, and my lips still have a good tingle

I might set up my video camera and record this wing eating just for fun tonight and post it up
That stuff is fricken glowing!! Looks like the face of Bozo the Clown forming in the stuff on the right side :mouthonfire:
well I took the video, but I started crying halfway through and my nose started running uncontrollably so I stopped it and I wont be posting that one...

but heres the finished product

I decided to try them a new way this time

instead of just doing it on a pan so they sit in their own juices, i baked them on a cupcake tray, then pan fried them and drained them on a rack, THEN tossed them in sauce





I am still crying as I am typing this....
Ok first of all, wings in a cupcake pan? Just weird (although the finished product looks good). Second, the popper extravaganza shall be on weekend of June 25. I open this to anyone who shall enter. This is not a throwdown as we have enough of that going on this month, but rather a festival of all things popper. Rules are: make poppers, drink alchohol (if you want), post pics of the madness in the Mmmmmmmm poppers thread. That simple, have fun.
I might have to come back to PA for that one...

do a Sunday popper extravaganza at your house chock full of tequila, beer, Cars, and Heather, I mean Mason....
Hey! You leave my Heather out of it. I plan on covering all my bases with one cookout, my comfort food throwdown, a neighborhood block party in Columbia and the popper deal all in one shot. Of course there will be lots of Keystone light and tequila to go with it. Come on home and get you some.
Uh...what? :drunk:

If you are saying you would be able to be here that Saturday night around 8:30 then that is cool. We will be grilling and partying all night. The cooking will long be over though by then.
no maky no sensy to me. :crazy: Or, is this just because you have no wire rack to put them on and drain the grease? But why bake them at all?
Baking the wings renders out some of the fat, if I'm not
mistaken. The cupcake tray is a neat idea. I oftentimes
bake mine at 500 F for 20 minutes or so before dropping
them into hot grease.
Baking the wings renders out some of the fat, if I'm not
mistaken. The cupcake tray is a neat idea. I oftentimes
bake mine at 500 F for 20 minutes or so before dropping
them into hot grease.

Whenever I turn my oven up beyond 450 it sets on fire :hell:
Awww yeaaa

curry night

Chicken thai curry, coconut milk, lemongrass, thai chilis, marjoram, smoked paprika, cilantro, garlic, sea salt, pepper, and I used those tortillas i had left over to make some crisps to give it a little bit of contrasting texture, all served over what might be the best rice I have ever made, if not the best dish I have ever made

not too shabby for never cooking Indian food before I must say

