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food The Drunken Chef

Have you guys heard of My Drunk Kitchen? It's this cute chick who gets drunk and cooks things. She's rather hilarious. In celebration of the upcoming Throwdown, here she is making tacos:

Excellent Impy. I've been watching Hannah for quite a while. Cool, crazy, goofy, cooking chick. She definitely drinks but wonder if some of it might be staged. No matter. She puts on a great show. I'd do a show like that myself but lack the editing skills and quite frankly, I like actually being drunk for some such. Hannah is one of the few drunken chef styles that get it goin' on. Well done.
Excellent Impy. I've been watching Hannah for quite a while. Cool, crazy, goofy, cooking chick. She definitely drinks but wonder if some of it might be staged. No matter. She puts on a great show. I'd do a show like that myself but lack the editing skills and quite frankly, I like actually being drunk for some such. Hannah is one of the few drunken chef styles that get it goin' on. Well done.

Oh I'm positive a lot of it is staged, especially in her later episodes. Now she knows she's famous and I think her comedy is kind of forced. But she's still wicked entertaining and very cute :). And queer. Queer is a plus. I want to write to her and ask her to do a drunk spicy dish...like spicy to our standards. That would be all kinds of awesome.
Hmmm. I don't think she can handle the heat. Spicy...maybe but hot like you and I know, I don't think so. She's gay? I didn't get that from her. Okay maybe a hint but really? I don't care. I must confess to being homophobic a touch but don't hold it against me. You are one of the few people period of anyone I would have over for dinner. I would love to cook for you.
Thanks, ImpyChick, for that vid. We're going to look up more vids from her. Don't think she could handle true chile heat...but there is always hope that one will be corrupted or assimilated ~~~
Yep TB, she is! Here's a great interview with her: http://www.afterellen.com/people/hannah-hart-talks-my-drunk-kitchen-coming-out-and-her-nefarious-plan-to-steal-Santana-from-Brittany. And TB you could cook for me ANY TIME!

LunchBox, I loled.

SalsaLady, also check out her advice series!

Scoville, jargaritas FTW!
hello all!
today druken chef in Brazil! :woohoo:

the dinner is...
duck Donald + pooh the bear!!
honey hot duck with salted shitake and onions with butter!!


wild duck! captured today!yeahhh
orange licour + rum + lemon juice to drink!
today is a hot winter night! 36°C now!
more pics coming in 2 hours!
Where the hell is 'pooh-the-bear'? Usually, at least the Bears show up! Ok, well maybe it's tougher in Brazil. But maybe the pics will be outrageous! hint, hint....
There's only one bear that shows up here. Bear... That guy. And he shows up smelling of beer, takes YOUR beer and sleeps in your tub.

True Story.
hey all...
really sorry...
the chef got drunk, forgot the duck in the oven! go to sleep, burned the duck!!!!
no dinner last night! :(
almost put fire on my house!
no more pics coming from pooh de bear
I use only half duck! maybe today I make duck donalds and pooh de bear again ahahhaha