food The Drunken Chef

why dont you have a generator in them cold states?? im glad youre power is back on,i once went a week in upstate in newyork,some people went over 2 weeks. the state sent in the national; guard and brought everyone generators. it sucked we had a curfew and everything ,it was crazy
sicman, where they live is pretty temperate. They don't get snow very often, it's mostly rain. Where I live, in eastern WA, we get (feet) of snow every year, folks are a lot more prepared for power outages. We typically get 3-5 days a year without power. And it's not unusual for some areas to be out of power for up to 7 days.

'Kay! Back to da GRUB!
did i just get scorned?? :rofl: im sorryhh81, i was really just sharing a story on how bad that glad youre powere is back on! here in florida i lose power every time it does rain. because the only damn time it rains is some crazy storm. so probbaly in march ill be without power 2 days 2 or 3 times.and when i lose power here i lose water im on wells. but still not as bad in watertown N.Y. losing power
Lol... its all good sic... SL is right on this side of the mountains we aren't as prepared for extreme weather. In Buckley where we live we are more prepared then the lower lands but getting a generator is smart however we only have long power outages every few years. Last one we had was 4yrs ago that one was for 9 days :crazy: so they're an expensive investment for not using it a whole lot. Anyway thanks for the care.

Now in a few weeks I promise there will be some drunken chef posts from me.... :) can't freaking wait for my first night in chat with some drinks in me.......

Ok, I'm gonna hog this thread for a little bit. First of all, since some peeps want to see my little chili trophies, here they are:




The chili I made is a little different than normal for me. It is certainly not CASI and it does have beans.


Beef Tips
Venison Burger
Country Style Pork Rib
Diced Tomatoes
Tomato Puree
Tomato Paste
Black Beans
Red Beans
White Zinfandel
Can of Beer
Beef Broth
Homemade Chili Powder Blend (Guarillo, Ancho, Pasilla, New Mexican, Bhut Jolokia)
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
White Pepper
Brown Sugar
Cocoa Chile Powder (McCormick)

I am sure there are more, but that's what comes to mind at the moment. Browned all the meats and removed, except the burger, added the seasonings and powders, then added the veggies, and the White Zin. Cooked that down, then added the beer. Cooked that down, added the beef broth, then the tomatoes and beans. I added the meat back in and simmered for a bunch of hours. I then took it to the competition and made 'em sweat. Must have worked though since I won two categories.

