Oven BBQ and then oven grilled ribs are the cat's pajamas. Gotta whip me up some SoFlo man-gravy before I can even think about rockin' the oven ribs.
I am totally doing this oven ribs thing soon ... and then I'm going to do the sous vide ribs thing ... and then I'm going to do tagine ribs ... and then I'm going to do slow cooker ribs ... and then maybe I'll see about pressure cooking some ... and then, and only then, I'm going to buy a smoker and tell Danielle to shove it =)
It smells like a smokehouse in here
But I don't see any meat hanging up in here.
I almost grabbed my camera, to go all Brett Favre up in heah.
Check out the smoke rings!!!! Awesome!!! Everyone has to try this!!!