food The Drunken Chef

The Hot Pepper said:
I'm in! As long as it's those buns you talked about.
If you wanna be on the 'Buns Team'......
SL's the Cap't...(she has the Best Ones!)
I'm solid Left Tenant....Unless you can up me a position Boss......then it's Aaaallll Yooooouuuu!!!!!
SalsaKid is in CJs pocket. admit it.he loves aunt Christi and will keep her sober enough...

Saturday, right chica?

rules to be posted once we talk...
Aight, Aight. Gettin' some battle lines drawn. CJ, I'd be honored to team up.

we gonna put up a poll ore sum'thin to decide teams?

Boss! Take care o' dat! :lol:
That clinches it.....
I wanna be on SL's Blondie/Journey/Benatar/Rocker-Chica/ Nice-Buns Team.......
So...what's my first assignment Chica????????? 
Me and SalsaDude?

lets talk on the phone and make this between us, then post it...

seriously, gonna happen THP...

whos got a voice.? Saturday night is 3 days away.....

NWP... Hoes against Bros.

Cat Scratch fever... my idea....
we gonna put up a poll ore sum'thin to decide teams?

Boss! Take care o' dat! :lol:
Tryin' to get used to this new format.......
So Boss....YOU call this......Teams, I mean........    :)
salsalady said:
Scovie pick up the PHONE!   you know, that antique voice carrying device... :rolleyes:
Twisp Telephone
Oh hells no!
You forgot the smoke signals they send each other!!!!!!
...and only "they" can interpret ya have it!!!!!!!!!!   :rofl:
I missed the last smoke signal because it was dark.  Sorry, had to wait for the campfire embers signal.  Works just like smoke signals, but at night. 
OK!  just got done tipping the PonyExpress rider.  We are ON for Sat PM.  Chile Juju and Salsalady -v- Scovie and SalsaDude!
WOOT!  WOOT!  Kickin' it up in the METhow!!!!  
yea we'll get to that sheet on saturday night... like at about  10:48 pm... when we wanna be posting but not knowing wherez~~~
Then it'll be all albout the DP, Baby!!! DP!!  
shoot, don't nobody get their panties in a wad.   We got's it figgered out!!!
salsalady said:
Then it'll be all albout the DP, Baby!!! DP!!  
Oh no, DP, and morning SE. LOL. Can't wait to see what Scovie edits out. He may DP a soup burger and SE an egg on it. Is that cheating?
well, I can probably.... with a pretty good degree of certiancy....say, that there will be a bit of DP'ing that might require a tad bit of SE-ing...but there will be no post shenanigans, as we'll all be cooking together and will be taking pics of all the shit-n-schtuff.
Aint' no DP claims gonna fly on either side! 