food The Drunken Chef

J, you were in my dream last night making chicken pazole in a TD in your backyard, and Pippy was there making some beef stew and you guys were the top votes on a chalkboard, and then it was revealed Pippy bought the pre-made stew at Trader Joes and "wrapped" it, but he denied it, and I couldn't decide between the two.
You were also cutting these really tall trees in half.
Pippy is a legend.  His actual name here was Moyboy.  He is the inventor of the IDS.  It was supposed to be the UDS, but I don't think it actually ever materialized.  I would love to cook with Pip, of course I would kick his ass, and not sure why you have Gadget and Trader Joe in your dream, but otherwise, cool dream.
sore enough from gardening earlier to make it a DC night ...
mignon roast on a bed of diced onion, garlic, and shallots ...

this time, though ... thick slices of creamy delcious fontina cheese and a nice run of fresh ciabatta ...

20 min. rest ...

make au jus while meat is resting ...

sliced as thin as I could for hot meat ... used demon-blade (swiss turkey slicer) ...

brulee torched fontina ... fontina performs VERY well under flame, fwiw ...

biased cut ...

served ...

dessert-themed digestif ...

goto main
This is Scovie and CJ's fault!  They posted their weekend double-meat shenanigans over in the BBQ thread, and I couldn't resist! 
MMmmmmmm Looking Good!  Now, what's in the bag?




That's all you get for now!   Gotta go finish cooking~
BACON!!!!  Smoked by our local Grocer.  They make their own pepperoni (several flavors), country style and slab bacon, smoked salmon....(What else do they make, CJ???)...Oh!  meat loaf and meat balls, sausages (ground ) and brats... 

oni's, peppers and 'shroom getting happy in the olive oil, Crazy Good's Green Chili Dust, extra pepper and salt-


One of the very first times we got together with CJ and Scovie was for burgers.  Scovie offered to mix up the meat, so I said "No Prob.  What do you need?"  He said something like, "well there's one ingredient I need but I seriously doubt you have it."
Me- "Wanna make a bet?"  (I don't remember if we actually made a bet or not :crazy: )
 The ingredient was CAPERS which I promptly pulled out of the fridge and handed to Scovie.


Oh, the burgers= meat, capers, more Crazy Good Green Chile Dust, extra garlic, S&P.  I mixed the spices with a little bit of meat on the side first to get it all blended up, then GENTLY mixed it in to the rest of the meat and made the patties.
Aw yeah, The Sinker(tm), love it, kept it juicy with the loose-formed patty, the little nooks in there trap the fat. Once in awhile I like all those toppings, and other times, more stripped down to the basic burger. Today, I'll take one of those. Awesome eats there.
Thanks, we learned the divet tip from a Sunset Mag article years ago. Hubby had a stripped down version with meat-cheese. sauteed veggies and sauce. I could only eat half of mine.

:lol: @ The Boss-- THe SInker Burger!

I hadto eat it over the sink, and now the Food Comatose is setting in. Good Eats for the SalsaFam tonight~
I do a little dimple too (divet)... you done good there they look perfect in the off-the-grill pic... no flying saucer shaped patties.
THE SINKER(r)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's that THP definitions thread? The Sinker needs to be added to the list. Christened or Created by Chile Juju!

Hubby's comment was- awesome dinner, but would of been just "that" much better with an awesome fresh-baked roll. (oh well, last minute dinner :shrug: ) My one change, I'd of cut my beef patty in half. The patty I had was almost 1" thick, couldn't finish the burger~~~