food The Drunken Chef

I want half credit for The Sinker you said Sink-Burger! ;)
salsalady said:
Hubby's comment was- awesome dinner, but would of been just "that" much better with an awesome fresh-baked roll. (oh well, last minute dinner :shrug: ) My one change, I'd of cut my beef patty in half. The patty I had was almost 1" thick, couldn't finish the burger~~~
Damn. Is he sleeping on the couch tonight? :lol:
grantmichaels said:
just realizing i've still not pattied on THP ...
Please don't patty on me.
The Hot Pepper said:
I want half credit for The Sinker you said Sink-Burger! ;)
3-way credit for that! CJ said she had to eat the burger over the sink, I called it a Sink Burger, you called it a Sinker. :rofl:
Damn. Is he sleeping on the couch tonight? :lol:
 Oh No...He thinks I have awesome buns. ;)

Please don't patty on me. TMI!

edit- OOPS! working on the tablet, replies in the quote~
aah shizzey!!!   sl,,thats is wonderful!   and i love that you dont need any of those "im better than you" fancy rich people look at me or ill push you on the ground corn holder thangs ;)    
:lol: Siccy...  My fingers are de-sensitized to heat from years of working in food service, The 'Dude cuts his kernels off the cob, and the 'Kid ate his later when it was cold.  No holder thingy's needed!
Yes, Scovie, Hank's Meats
Boss, we should call it a Sink-er. 
I just want to say....
Those silly corn holders are used predominantly for rolling the cob on the stick of butter!
Proper tool for the proper job and all that!!!!    :rofl:
Beautiful Boiger SL! I like that divot trick!!!!! Will have to try that next time! :)
There's some smoke rings comin from down there in Carlton.
Nice Sink Burgers SL. But where's the Sink Wings, Sink Ribs, or Sink Tacos at?
It's too early for the Sink Peaches, and Sink Strawberrys, but that's cool.

SL, we should have a "cooked outdoors" cook-off between you and me. Wait.
between you and Salsa Dude, and me and CJ...

Scoville DeVille said:
SL, we should have a "cooked outdoors" cook-off between you and me. Wait.
between you and Salsa Dude, and me and CJ...

SL would totally win that with The Sinker(tm). Sorry dude, but that burger kicked that onion soup thing's ass. :lol:
And you think that onion soup thing is my only burger? That was a throwback to my dad's campin burger.

How long have you been a member here THp? me. 2 years. and before that, I have made burgers that have brought SL to here knees. (and SALSADUDE).

and I was proposing an "outdoors cooking thing, not just burgers. my open quotes? :doesa1minuteburnout:

wait for the end.
My money is on SL unless it's eggs or mole. Let's see this TD!
I suppose"outdoor cooking" could be eggs, Mole, or even Goat-Louwow. lol

She gots new grill for SalsaDude, and she's ampen to break it in. hahahahahha

she should accept said challenge before you get all carried away with where you put your money señor.

SL and SalsaDude
Scove and CJ...

Yeah.... Read up^^^

You and me. unless you want Mr. Salsa Dude or even THTE SL as your partner..
I guess, until SL shows up..... it's OPEN.

Me and SalsaDude? heh heh heh
Scoville DeVille said:
I suppose"outdoor cooking" could be eggs, Mole, or even Goat-Louwow. lol
She gots new grill for SalsaDude, and she's ampen to break it in. hahahahahha
she should accept said challenge before you get all carried away with where you put your money señor.
SL and SalsaDude
Scove and CJ...
I'm HERE! Now,just gotta figger out which post to reply to first.

And fwiw, the new grill SUCKS! Totally uneven heat distribution....I'm gonna have to get it all Methow'ed up to make it work right.

OK moving on- let's see....Scovie do you remember the Caper episode? That was priceless~ BUT!!! you thinking, you really wanna do an outdoor cooking challenge? Seriously??? Cast Iron Prime Rib on the antique grill, triple CI dinner, heck, I smoked ribs on the antiqhe grill!!!!

You Want it, You GOT IT! Bring It On BEOTCH!!!!

Oh, yea....what was the question??? :rofl:

NOW....deciding teams....

Scovie and CJ -V- salsalady and salsadude

CJ and SL -v- scovie and SD

SL and Scovie v CJ and Dude

Just remember....whoever is on my team gets a Secret Bonus!
salsalady said:
Just remember....whoever is on my team gets a Secret Bonus!
I'm in! As long as it's those buns you talked about.
Salsa Lady
Chile Juju

Anyone wanna pick the teams now?

Saturnight's alright for fighting, but there's nothing like a Saturday night. for a fight!

SalsaKid is a loose cannon, y'all....