food The Drunken Chef



salsalady said:
That'll get the JayT stamp of MicrowavedHotDogs Approval!  Be proud! 
I dunno' SL.
While JayT might approve, the doggy dog on the paper towel in the mic 'thang looks totally like a PMD 'thang.
That Sriracha is mother's milk.
yea, the thang on da bun looks suspect at best...totally PMD!
Only thing missing is the Dr Pepper. (or was that the "other" dude????  )  :lol:
So as not to clutter the TD thread....
TD leftovers- sort of~
Sauce from yesterday's TD
leftover noodles
what's left of 2 Dungeness crabs after we got done picking 'em and snacking along the way.  :lol: 
G&T  (my new favorite summer drink)

Heat the sauce, dump in the stuff, call the minions....mix another drink!  WOOT!  Dinner is DONE!!!!



Dang SL!
Mind if I just grab the dungy claw meat off the top of the pasta?
Check that.
Just give me that whole damn plate of crab meat por favor.
You'd of liked it TB!  All the plates were licked clean, even the Kid and his buddy ate it up.  And that dungy crab....MMMMmmmmm!  I think 'Dude and I ate 1/2 a crab each while picking out the meat.  :lol:    
salsalady said:
You'd of liked it TB!  All the plates were licked clean, even the Kid and his buddy ate it up.  And that dungy crab....MMMMmmmmm!  I think 'Dude and I ate 1/2 a crab each while picking out the meat.  :lol:    
Only 1/2 a crab each?
I'd have Mao'd it all before it even hit the table.
I'm a selfish glutton like that for dungy.
If it were red king, any hand coming within a 5 foot radius of my plate would be bitten off.
bear never brings beer. 
He snuck into the backyard and raided the cooler before anyone knew he was here, and then knocked on the door with a 4 pack in his hand, like he brought it.
That guy...