food The Drunken Chef


Too late for the TD so I'll posty up in here.  Hab stuffed with beer. 
Warning, your beer will haz the spicenexssttness of a Hab.  Not for the faint of heart.  Real cowboy food.
Oh sheesh, now J is throwing stuff on the ground, and it's eggs!!!!!!!!???????????????????
SCOVIE get in here!
He's throwing non-green stuff on the ground!!!!!!!!!
HK heretofore has been Aussie SuperFly but the egg 'thang...
I have to go with Jay on this one.
I donna' want no stinkin' eggs on my burger.
Othern' that....
HK still rocks!!!!
wow! That looks incredibly delicious. Although my mouth is not that big to eat. I wonder how big you can open your mouth, I think mine is no more than 2 inches. 
That delight is at least 4 inches high!
HK, I think they both missed you said it was an Egg McMuffin clone. Those are sausage patties and english muffins fools! Ha. I guess they don't get eggs on their egg sandwiches. :rofl:
Looks awesome!
That does look awesome! And yeah - we demand video of you eating it!
I know you were going for a McD's take of your own, but for the anti-egg folks I just gotta say it helps if you think of the yolk more like gravy (and don't cook it so hard.) I've been very meh about fried eggs myself until the last couple of years now - once I got the yolk-as-gravy thing, though, that changed. But NO, it won't ever change for BP!  ;)
Ham, Sausage, Eggs. Skewered between two English muffins witt some spicynext.

Hells to the yeah.

And who said anything about burgers? That is a brekky sammich for the elite.

kobe + applewood smoked bacon + carmelized onion + gruyere + friend egg w/ loose yolk as geeme was saying ... became my favorite burger.
had it first at SQ1 Burgers, but make it for myself from time to time too these days ...
PS - and SD still has the crown on stacking ... there was a TD w/ a stacked masterpiece ...