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food The Drunken Chef

JayT said:
I can say that I saw a minimum of thirty beer boxes piled up in there. Bud light swill if I recall. I can also say that if it is night and I cooking outside of the restaurant I drunk on some level, pics or no pics.
I remember we were so fucked up you had me taking pics of the inside of my fridge to show Mrs. JayT.
Last night was martini night, I had 5 over the course of 2 hours, you know, cause I have to work today and had to take it easy.  I got home to do some DC magic, buuuuuuuttttttt it didn't go as planned.  Apparently the 5 martinis ended up hitting all 115lbs of me as soon as I wanted to start making nachos.  I woke up this morning and this was as far as I got before I passed out. 
Love it bro! A taco cart by me makes a chile relleno taco on a burrito size tortilla just like that! It's delicious.
Nice GM!, Lemme get in on this drunken nonsensery!
Last night I while I was gettin my buzz on while I made some tacos. Yes tacos! I grew up eating "tacos" this way, and my family called them tacos. So to me this way of doing it is always called tacos
Naga morich beef mixture

I don't show it, but I also tossed a can of kindney beans in there.

All on a bed of...


mx5inpa said:
I sure miss a good Frito Pie.
20 years ago when i was 17 i lived with a 25 year old woman. "i was always a pimp"
we would walked to sonic 3 nights a week for frito pie. we lived in some dump behind the dentist office where she worked. sonic was quarter mile at the most from are apartment.      you got me thinking about some crazy times,lol.                                                                                        
 i might have to make some soon.
sicman said:
20 years ago when o was 17 i lived with a 25 year old woman. "i was always a pimp"
we walked to sonic 3 nights a week for a frito pie.
now that in thinking about it i might have to make some soon.
Sonic has them!!?!!?
They were a staple at the little league concession stands growing up in Tx.
Ha - they were a staple at EVERY type of sporting event growing up in TX. Little league, swim team, high school games….. Frito Pies are ubiquitous in TX.  
HTH - Nice take on the FP!
It was Drunk Fish Chingaderra Wednesday last night.
Let us begin with my favorite tequila, The Kah Reposado.

Canned pink salmon, diced onion & garlic, chopped cilantro, sriracha, orange zest & juice, dried oats, corn flour, AP flour, baking powder and 2 eggs.

Splish splash takin' a bath.

Fish fritters.

I was too drunk to foo foo. I only got as far as homemade tartar sauce and a couple 'peno wheels.

The orange really worked in these love nuggets. 

I cook better when drankin'.
Scoville DeVille said:
Damm TB, you were playin' up late.
Those fritters look friggen awesome.
Hot oil in the comal, and liquor. You've got balls! Nice balls too. Tartar sauce and Peño wheels? what else is there????
One 'thang was missing.
I like to be liking fresh lime squeezed on my balls.
Got drunk.
Hear me now, believe me later, No one and I mean NO ONE does Salmon more ways than the TB. He does Salmon more ways than Spam in a trailer park.
Wrote the book.
Played the part.
Won the Oscar.