food The Drunken Chef

I love eggs on me Mcmuffins and lettuce on burgers *hides from TB* lol 
Had to knife n fork this one, tried the Man v Food suggestion of eating it like a lollypop, but while the theory is good, it just somehow doesn't work in reality. I probably watch too much Man v Food lol
Surprisingly enough my trip to the shitter was a rather tame affair.... 
Pizza... And alcohol!
8 of those...

Pretty long appretto, regenering... Good at last.
End of boring stuff.
Ingredients: buffalo mozz, burrata, homemade conserva (tomato puree), a supehot sauce (with onion, garlic, vinegar and other stuff), a cayenna pepper.
Buffalo mozz and burrata probably best toppings ever!!!
First, simple margherita:

Then topped with burrata.

Buffalo mozz and superhot sauce. Even that was too strong for the guys.

Buffalo mozz, hot anchovies. Good!

Cayenna, buffalo mozz and burrata.
And some serious cooking. Probably my best pizza ever  till now.

Another one but without heat, still good cooking.
Anchovies from hell:

Superhot pizza!
Put simply i calculated that in that pizza there are the equivalent of 4 superhots spiced with piri piri... i ate a quarter, my friends just were not able to go above 1 or 2 bites...
Last one:

We had to cut the pizza with the knife but was dirty of supehot sauce and guys were afraid to cut the pizza with that.
i said "no problem, i clean it". I cleaned it on the pizza. Guys really hated me! :twisted:

That was made by a friend of mine and had a mix of paprika and 4 peppers.
My best pizzas till now. Also a dang funny evening, due to my friends tasting superhot pizzas and that:
Those BBQ beans dude.... those beans.
Under the Pork butts in the smoker for 6 hours catching all the goods. and :HOT: L O A D E D with Red Savina Powder. But next time, I will be using SalsaLady's Ghost Fire sauce. damm, I had some leftover beans with it on them and ho-lee chit that was awesome.
The Potatoes were CJ's "Twice Baked Potato casserole. friggen deelishuss too.
The Pork was perfect. nuff said. LOL
I'm drinkin' 2-kila and about to make takos, wiff my badass verde smuverin them. Wish I had one dem picture box taker fingys
What is that splooge on top ? Im glad you mentioned the smoker I thought that was Oven Butt. But thats what you had after SL's GF Sauce beans - Poor JuJu
Definitely smoked butt, 9+ hours at 225° with 50/50 Apple and Cherry wood.
The splooge is. Alabama White BBQ sauce made with mayo, vinegar, bp,creole mustard, garlic, horseradish, sugar, salt and water with alot of Red Savina powder. Perfect for pulled poke sammies!
Never tried the white sauce I have heard of it though. I like the powders in yours.  I have Bob Gibson BBQ book and his is
2 cups mayonnaise
1 cup distilled white vinegar
1/2 cup apple juice
2 tsp prepared horseradish
2 tsp ground black pepper
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Exactly the same. You should make it, it's so damm good, it goes on anything and everything from ham sammiches to pan fried white fish. I bet that's a great book to peruse.
Actually - just took a look :banghead: , the book is written by MIke Mills Peace, Love, & Barbecue: Recipes, Secrets, Tall Tales, and Outright Lies from the Legends of Barbecue 
This has all different recipes including that one.
Cleaned all of the critters and webs and made space in the car port for smoking. I think I'll do some smoking this year ... since I have never smoked beyond using Cameron's ...
Anyone have the 18+" or 22+" Weber charcoal smoker (and like it)? ... Amazon shoppers seem to like theirs, and I <3 my 21-22" Kettle for BBQ ...
Just curious ... any opinions welcome ... propane, charcoal, electric seem to be the more common types ... well, at least, in the low-to-middle price space ...
I think FD rec'd a Masterbuilt or something a while back, too ...
Any concepts or keywords I should look into while deciding? ...
Any guidance from people who have practical experience with them is greatly appreciated =)