food The Drunken Chef

just for reference, here's a picture of a koala-fied electrician
koalafied elec.jpg

While there was no cooking involved in this meal, it's the kinda way of eating I was brought up on. Simple food, mix of flavors both fresh and processed. A bit of each with each mouthful........simply delicious. 
Polish sausage, Kalamata olives, Peppercorn Pecorino cheese, and Roma tomatoes seasoned with black pepper and smoked Cayenne powder.

Accompanied by Jameson & Coke.

When I first stumbled upon this thread it was like I found my brothers from another mother..Cooking good food and drinking booze, though I also indulged in a little smoke while out at the grill.. :shh: ..This is my first Drunken chef contribution, Rib eyes,Broccoli casserole and a baked tater..Boozes involved Jim Beam and two different beers City Steam's Naughty Nurse and Stone's Delicious IPA..
Starts off simple enough..

The Players..The unlabeled spice is my daisy cutter powder..Simple powder of vidalia onion,garlic,daisy cutter,salt and a reaper..

O.K. I know you all want to see the Powder/flake..

Happy on the grill..Puff puff pass... :onfire:

Plated up with the dead soldiers in back ground..The broccoli casserole is easy cheese, bacon and slightly steamed broccoli covered in an egg custard(couple eggs,half and half and milk with pinch of flour)..More cheese on top..I don't measure anything I just wing it..

Every steak needs a Money Shot...Hope you all enjoyed it..
Nice!  The only problem is that those tiny Jim Beam bottles are not enough lol :D I did something similar just now. I found some steak at the shops for half price so decided to grab them, do some garlic butter baked potatoes and grilled onions on the gasser. I was hoping for a quick session - gas bbqs are for quick convenience right? Freaking bollocks. As it happens, the stupid wind, Hurricane Dickface, was screwing with the flame and it took nearly 2 freaking hours to get the potatoes soft and probably wasted half the gas tank in the process in the name of my ass.  :banghead:   The stupid ass wind also meant the hot plates never got roaring hot, so did not get the caramalization on steak I wanted, and I even had to chuck them back on after a 2 min cook each side on full because they were 100% raw. Normally it takes 1 min 45 sec to sear a T-bone to a perfect rare at full speed. Bloody hell.  Ironically, if I had fired up the charcoal in the Weber, I would've been done like a full hour or more sooner. Bloody hell, even if I was using briquettes I would've come out ahead. And the Weber is way more fun than the gas. FAILWHALE herp de derp  :rolleyes:



Mr.CtChilihead said:
Looks good I wouldn't call it a fail. I ditched the gas years a go..With a good chimney to start the charcoal in I can be up and cooking in 20 minutes. .That Badger Bluff is calling my name.
it wasn't a fail per se in terms of taste,  just the stupid herpoid mcderpoid WIND made the cooking process  itself a fail. it was however a fail from the gas=quick convenience point of view though, and that if I had simply thrown some lump in the Weber I would've been eating way sooner and would've tasted better and would've gotten extreme heat caramalization for the steak and I would've been done with the meal by time I got this ready for eating.   Hindsight is 20/20, and maybe fate wants me to ditch the gas for the good stuff  :)
I bought this Badger Bluff Whisky because it was the cheapest borubon in the shop because it was $10 off normal price. I am not disappointed, very good with coke and ice, and goes down like water lol. Next time 1 litre bottle :D
Much better luck with my steak tonight. There was no wind, but there were showers, but coz there was no wind, the bbq got up to temp in no time. 
Strip (fat part of the t-bone) and a store-bought pork chop. Got the steaks on special and could not leave them behind. Thick coating of Lemon Pepper and salt. Bloody tops


full heat

searing the fat


Was lovely, way better than the previous effort, all due to the lack of wind! The gasser got as hot as possible, seared the pork chop for the same time as the steak, 2.5 min each side with the lid down, turned out great! All those Youtube BBQ vids were they sear steaks for several mins each side over the fire then leave them roasting for 10 mins make me physically ill. They still seem to come "pink perfect", but it's probaby photoshopped. I mean honestly.
I've seen one video where the dude, who has a sweet-as charcoal pit and drinks beer on camera (credit where it's due), throws some thin T-bones right over the coals and keeps them there for several minutes per side, then puts them to the indirect side and says he did it earlier than normal because of the video. God those steaks would've been charcoal themselves before he moved them off the coals... Before the cook though, he soaks his coals in lighter fluid (more commonly known as kersone or jet fuel) for a straight 30 seconds, so the credit might have to be removed...

Was eating within half an hour of throwing on the potatoes. Just tried to take a swig of the bourbon with the cap on, yes I am qualified for this thread. Don't let the flawless grammar fool you. I'm studying a course which requires near-perfect grammar, spelling and common sense. And besides, some of the greatest scholars, most successful, and longest living people in history were boozehounds. 
Here is the gas BBQ grill, which I got FREE from my neighbour. They actually thanked me for taking it off their hands, when I should've been thanking them for giving me a  FREE grill. It needs some anti-rust paint cans, but it's a FREE perfectly functioning portable grill. These are not made anymore, but they were over $200 new just for the grill unit alone, with a stand they were $350+... i got it for freakng FREE

