food The Drunken Chef

My eyes are still super blue!

Loved Bitburger, used to get a rack of Bitburger and one of Alten Munster delivered to my door every week when I was in Darmstadt.

I'm still trying to figure out how Wheebz got a hot girl to go to the prom with him...

It must have been the overshadowing of his future beer making prowess much the same as your own prowess with the microwave Hot Dog.

WTH happen'd to this thread while I was gone moving?

It was highjacked by that 70's thread!

Okay okay okay.....

I'll see your damn prom pic and raise you an entire family with their fingers in their nose:


beat THAT people!!! :rofl:

Uuuuhhhhhhhhhh, Umuuummmmmm, Ok you win
Decided to grill a couple of dogs for my t-down entry, but why fire up the grill for just a couple of dogs. Might as well make some chix too. Here it is.



tsk. tsk. tsk. And to think that you are an honorary member of the DC Rules Committee. Where 'da booze at? Same for off topic posts. Y'all still have to post booze pics. Do that and I will not poo poo your posts. Non-booze posts will garner a big fat boooooooooooo!

Post now Jay and I will withhold my booooooooo!
Wine and a Saturday night...oh the possibilities :dance:

Unfortunately in our little po-dunk Ohio town the only fresh peppers in the stores are jalapenos and habaneros. So here's what I came up with after a few glasses of wine.

Salmon with extras! :woohoo:


Finished product after a couple more glasses of wine...


I cut up the a few jalapenos, mushrooms, and habs and put in the Santa Fe cooking creme. Grilled a couple jalapenos and habs next to the salmon. Put all the goodies on top of the rice, added some freshly ground black pepper and poured a little HBD 1498. Served with a chocolate chip cookie filled with caramel for desert.

Make your tongue wanna slap your forehead - Awesome! :onfire:

Now time for more wine :beer: :beer:
tsk. tsk. tsk. And to think that you are an honorary member of the DC Rules Committee. Where 'da booze at? Same for off topic posts. Y'all still have to post booze pics. Do that and I will not poo poo your posts. Non-booze posts will garner a big fat boooooooooooo!

Post now Jay and I will withhold my booooooooo!

Ooops sorry. Wine for me tonight too.

Oh man! I eats more salmon than any man seen. Any lady that posts wine and salmon is my kinda' gal. Any finished pics or did you "overwine" before taking them?