why a despicable Busch product over the quality and taste of Keystone Light which has been paulky's standard and mine too.
Shocking indeed. The switch from Keystone is not a normal P2K move...
But take a gander at how many crushed cans he added to the mix.
SoFlo has a thing for crushed cans. Usually crushed cans= awesomeness grubbage.
He must have been desparate and ran out of Keystone.
Glad you asked!
I went to the grocery store for my usual 24-pack of cold, refreshing
Keystone Light when, as I reached for the handy built-in carrying handle, I noticed something terrible.....
...the price had gone up.
And not just a little....it had gone from a comfy $10.49 to an astonishing $13.99!! I thought...."$2.50.....in ONE DAY?(yeah...I had bought one yesterday....what ABOUT it?) Screw THAT!!"
As I sat there thunderstruck in the beer aisle at the local Kroger......smoke issuing from my ear holes......I noticed the pale-blue boxes right between my beloved Keystone and the Milwaukee's Best;
Natural Light.
....and the

*que the angel harp music and trumpets*
Well...I had plenty of experience with this Busch product....as me and my faithful sidekick used to drink two cases a night of the stuff out of the long-neck returnable bottles back in
college. (College: n. 1)The place young men go to learn how to drink beer. 2)A bar with a $25,000 cover charge.)
So....until a) The prices level out. or b) I re-join the ranks of the EMPLOYED....
Looks like the new Circle-H house-beer will be Natural Light.
And this, my droogies,
IS a True Story.
Oh yes....and DTS.....sweet lookin' grubbage!!