food The Drunken Chef

Looks like Circle H was choakin chickens tonight. Looks mighty good. But there's just something wrong with the picture without the Keystone.

Went to Costco today and no Keystone, but Winco had 30 pack for $13, they were 11.99 two weeks ago.

Jen the strawberry hab sauce over the ice cream looks irresistable, bet Mike had seconds
The DC thread is blowing up tonight. Where is the SoFlo Posse?

Poppers done correct by JT. Nice SS ware intro.

Hab Jelly... love it. The Mc's are moving into pure-blood Drunken Chef Life. That upside-down bottle was a great pic.

Paul with the sexy chicken legs.... and the P2K Kids enjoying them... almost feel dirty typing that out... Nice work Paul!

Who'd I miss? Ah, Marcie actually showed with the wings from the night before. Big ups!

Damn, SoFlo needs to get the band back together! No worries... the SoFlo Underground has been working on some things. Trading secrets with SoFlo Skunkwerks and the SoFlo Batcave....

The bathrooms here are nuts!
Another long day of diving and still cbf so cheesey chili chips (fries for the Americans)

chips tossed with Lawry's seasoned salt

chips n chili with beans

chips n chili with cheesey jalapeno sauce. Beers are off to the side and cbf taking another photo:D
From last night. Lemon Basil Chicken pasta. Chicken breast was the only spicy part, but not too terribly spicy. I'll come up with something for the leftover chicken breasts today.

Please note: Current beer indicated by SillyBands. (Just in case the SoFlo crew shows up and starts grabbing for drinks. Gotta mark 'em.)
DTS - your cardiac arrest french fries are awesome looking! Puts me in the mood for fries for breakfast!

Marcie - great looking plate of chicken breast! In one night we have had Pauly's chicken legs and your chicken tata's.

DC was rockin' Saturday night!
Marcie that Chix Pasta looks great! Well, I really meant to post this last night, but after taking a break from being full, a tornado, a three hour power outage, and computer difficulties it just didn't happen. Anyway, TB here was the second helping of the dip along with some dippers!
