food The Drunken Chef

oh gogoe fted! I still can't feel my fingers, but I'm tryin gto type one letter now
worked better

it's not seferaer to dcook like this
hahaha can ti I find the screwdriver dispenser button???

FIFY, we can all use a little hep once in while... Glad I could help.

Alright!!!!! tonight is a tribute to JT, He sent me some wonderful stuff, including Steak/ Rib rub. more on that in a sec.
He is a saucemaker.... like, a really good one. One sauce he sent is Fatalii peach, served with chips is incredible, cant wait to eat more.
The second sauce is Chocolate Bhut Asian Fire Dragon. OUT OF THIS WORLD. Best asian "teriyaki" (type) sauce I have ever had, hands down. I wouldn't just say that. FreakinG GOLD.
Anyone ever have Nutterz? wow, Potato chip coated peanuts, Jalapeño Cheddar flavor.... who knew? me n CJ better divvy, this bag up before lawyers get involved.

So here's the rub, diggin in Pork rib style....


Get rid of that linoleum stuff on the back of the babybacks.

Rub down like its a sandy beach.

Put them on some drying racks, to keep off the bottom of the pan, and add a couple of beers to the pan

Then I wrap tight with foil, and put in a 225º-250º oven for 5 hours.......
Finishing off on the grill might be interesting, not because its snowing, but because i just got them in the oven, and Im on my third whiskey....
We'll see in about 4.5 hrs.....
Now I have to come up with a sauce.... hmmm I have 4 hrs and a fifth.....

Thank you JT, tonight's yum-yums are dedicated to you sir, and I raise a glass!!!
Yep, a little crunchy this morning, we didnt get to eat until 11 last night. Ha! Just like summer...
I'll get them up soon I promise. Just need some coffee....

mmmmmm ribs.......

ended up finishing them under the broiler. and the sauce I just took some cattlemens, water, minced garlic, honey, lemon juice, and whiskey. simmered it, for a while. I didnt want to kill JTs rub, so I made the sauce kind of thin and mallow....

Damn good rub JT. these ribs were to die for, and the mac and cheese, ohhh the mac and cheese.
CJ made it with a roux, milk, smoked habanero sauce, cheddar, jack, feta, dry mustard powder, diced tomatoes and chilis, and a dash of garlic salt....

Feast your eyeballs on this....






Thanks again J, I cant wait to fire up the grill, and slap a thick rubbed rib-eye on.
Oh YUM!!!!!! pear smoked hab sauce in the mac & cheese, BRILLIANT! I'm making Chicken Alfredo for salsakid's birthday dinner today, maybe gonna have to sneak a little in there~~~ That mac & cheese sounds really good for breakfast right about now.

awesome looking ribs, also.
SD between you CJ and SL I wish I lived in the valley. Those are some fine eatins right there!!! Can't believe it just realized I haven't had ribs in two years almost. I am deprived...... drooolllling!!!!!!
I just saw Scovvies ribs... sdashdlhsldkjgklsjdfgah... and I just laid my head down on the keyboard whilst bowing. Good job SD & CJ. Fun chickee times today between games! We'll hit you guys up next weekend when 5-O is in the 305. Ridicoulsness will certainly ensue.

How do we make a THP Drunken Chef Skypefest happen?
Oh Megan! You're married to chef, and haven't had ribs I n two years? Soooo sorry.

Haha FD and Sum, that would be cool, a THPDCSF. you'll be wreckin stuff next weekend!

Just JTd a hotdog, now going to bed.

Fun weekend everyone. Thanks!