food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

Round 2
Green onion, avacado drenched in lime juice, chicken thigh in mole sauce, red bullet chilli
Sweet ...
I'm going to have to work overnight, I think. .. now at least I have something to look forward to (it's usually dead on Sunday night) ...
I think I might even join in on the fun ;) ... it's Sunday, and I don't want to ruin my streak ...
Much obliged GM.
My liquor consumption and tolerance ain't what it used to be and I've 
had a couple tequila/grapefruits on an empty stomach therefore I don't reckon rightly that
I'll get around to posting pics tonight.
I'm walking around at 160 # and am only eating once a day which suits me fine
but it is rather behooving when it comes to being an alcohol enthusiast.
In other words, I've become a light weight imbiber of the spirit.
Nonetheless, in about an hour, I'll be in the garage mixin' up the medicine on the flat top.
Been turning the dead animal cow carcass ever half our or so in the marinade and the 
onions, bell peppers, and xalapeno's are all prepped and ready.
For sure I'll post the final results up here.
I also have a mind to start a new thread devoted to cooking on the griddle/flat top/plancha and 
posting there as well.
My cast iron pans are so neglected these past few months that they just want to 
punch me right in my face ever time I enter The Blues Kitchen.
Black Betty can be a jealous bitch dontcha' know.
The Hot Pepper said:
Ummm you know how TB feel about tri-tip lol.
I might have an idea ...
I have some jarred fire-roasted jalapenos and pimentos at present ...
I opened up some killer cheese steakhouse onion flavored cheese earlier ...
Hmm ... what to do, what to do  ...
7 houses left, still ...
At five remaining, I'll cook ...
grantmichaels said:
I have tri-tip getting all happy and revitalized in teh spa ...
Will be making a game time decision after I yank it - what to do to finish it off ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Ummm you know how TB feel about tri-tip lol.
Funny that.
Ironically I had a conversation today with one of the meat cutters about tri-tip.
Seems its split 50/50 amongst them as per that cut.
Some think its incredible while the other half think its a "do nothing for me cut".
Perhaps I should entertain the thought of grilling one although the last tri-tip
I did was awful. 
Perhaps tri-tip is just not in my DNA or then again....
Maybe I prepared it wrong.
I don't mind admitting to being wrong.
Smoke it like brisket but cook it to MR center. That's how it is killer.
The Hot Pepper said:
Smoke it like brisket but cook it to MR center. That's how it is killer.
I had never considered doing it as such.
Ima' trust you on this one and its going on the to do list.
Much obliged senor.
Y'all see?
 This is the beauty of THP.
And not just Dan but the whole forum of contributors.
Y'all might know a 'thang and they might know another 'thang...
And more often than not it comes together as a better 'thang.
Trust and believe.
This shit happens a lot around here.
texas blues said:
Blah blah blah...Perhaps I should entertain the thought of grilling one...blah blah blah...
I have had great success smoke-roasting tougher cuts of beef to medium/medium rare in the thick part and then slicing it paper thin on the meat slicer, like roast beef. 
I wonder if you could put a tri-tip on the slicer and get good results. 
(btw, a good meat slicer with the proper blade is among the best kitchen investments I have ever made!)
What blasmphemy is this, the taco thread been dead since last month. Unfcking acceptable. 
I had to work all day so I marinaded the meat and soaked the mesquite wood and gave the wifey instructions on how to use the smoker and when to start it. 
Was just about perfect when I got home from work. 


nothing fancy, just quac, cheese and some LDHS pink label