The Great Douglah Growing Thread

SeeYouJimmy said:
Nice looking Douglahs Nova, I might have a go at these next year. Have you eaten one yet?

No i have not, i have however had a teeny weeny slice of one and let me tell you Jimmy i could not eat a full one no bloody way! These don't burn you they torture you, it is immense pain and i actually got a bump on the roof of my mouth that stayed there for a couple of days. This is one pepper that should be treated with the upmost respect! :hell:

BTW, if you pm me your addy i will put you on the mailing list :)
Looking good JR, you must be getting heaps of ripe stuff coming in now.

Thanks for the offer Nova, I might just take you up on it when you're getting big harvests. I couldn't see myself eating whole 7s either. The yellows are good chopped up on a sandwich but if the Douglahs are like the Jonahs I have then I know your pain......
mine definatly have the 7 pot/pod flavour, I can smell the pod straight away when It's cut open, I put my tongue on the open pod, just to make sure....YEP THATS IT FOLKS :mouthonfire:
I wouldn't stress about the smooth pods, this pic was just taken of a couple of Yellows on the same plant, I'd imagine once all the early runts are ripe you'll have more of the bumpy ones coming through.

Those really are great pics. I can't wait for my douglahs to go and produce some pots. Will take some time though, they are only 1 month old.