food The Hungover Chef

He ain't giving me a pass on the eggs. He insists they are over hard.
The one egg looks hard because when I flipped it, it had no white between the yolk and the pan.
If you look closely, you can see where the BP made a ring around the yolk.
And the picture when they are in the pan you can clearly see the BP covering the yolk.
Sorry I had to get all scientificallistic on yo asses!

It's all good, they were over "hard" runny, :D
He ain't giving me a pass on the eggs. He insists they are over hard.
The one egg looks hard because when I flipped it, it had no white between the yolk and the pan.
If you look closely, you can see where the BP made a ring around the yolk.
And the picture when they are in the pan you can clearly see the BP covering the yolk.
Sorry I had to get all scientificallistic on yo asses!

It's all good, they were over "hard" runny, :D

You forgot to add the no faces were eaten disclaimer.
Scovie's Hungover Birthday Biscuits and Sausage Gravy Breakfast-

Buttermilk Sausage from our local meat shop, dead wine box, 3/4 dead hwhiskey bottle, dead salsa tub, dead 7-layer bean dip (Thank you CJ! YUMMY!)


The pot'o'gravy- Browned the sausage and removed it from the pan, saving what little grease there was. Added 2 sticks of butter and a cup of flour, roux it up and a lil mor than 1/2 a gallon of milk. Black pepper (sorry, geeme) and the secret ingredient, ham soup base.

Now, I know there are some who don't like sausage in their cream gravy, but if I'm serving SAUSAGE gravy over the fresh baked biscuits, I put the cooked sausage back in the gravy. That's just how we roll up here in the NW.


Read it and weep~

Scovie's breakfast, with perfectly cooked over easy eggs

HabbyHeat81's breakfast, with 2 more perfectly cooked over easy eggs.

Time to re-wine~


Habbyheat's brekky-
Perfectly cooked eggs. It was friggen yumiliscious. Happy Birthday to me.

Thank you SL! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YW, Scovie,

So, on the way home this afternoon the 'Kid asked me if we ate all the cake. :banghead: Sorry, y'all! I had a carrot cake stashed out in the kitchen for your birthday!

Want me to drop some off on my way by in the morning>?
I know, I (sorry, geeme)'d the post for you, though. ;)
Ann, the perfect hangover food with friends for sure! Cured my hangover fast! :) The eggs were cooked perfectly!

Thanks again for all the hospitality and care you showed us!
my pleasure! What a fun weekend. See y'all again soon-
Throw your first TD ! Then save left overs for a Hungover Chef Breakfast... Use The Applewood Smoked Bacon Wrapped Onion. Use left over bacon for drippings add onion and garlic powder fennel seed 1 cup warm whole milk for gravy. Grease oven tray add bread then carefully place egg on bread.Add Turtle Burger choice carcass slices. Drench with gravy add cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 for about 20 mins. Have coffee with 2 Advil and contemplate another pepper growing day !!!
Scovie's Hungover Birthday Biscuits and Sausage Gravy Breakfast-
Man, it's been YEARS since I had any meat gravy... We used to get it with every breakfast meal when I was in the Army, though it was usually hamburger gravy rather than sausage. I used to smother my home fries with it. Cheers
SL & Lady Sic make some of the most awesome sausage gravy known to humanity!!! And I'm lucky enough to have had both! Sets the bar way toooooo high for me to reach, but I sure have fun tryin'! :) SL - my plate of heaven set me sooooo right yesterday! THANK YOU!!!!!! :D.....and thanks so much for the yummy cake this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuuuuuuummmmmmm!

Grassy - After a few look-thrus, I'm still not exactly sure how you did all that (but I WILL figure it out!), but that has to be one of the most uber-creative Hungover brekkies I've ever seen! I'd gobble that down in a heartbeat!!!! Good for you for morphing a TD entry into a breakfast cure!!!!!! You Rock!!!!!! (now go start a veggie burger entry so you can post it in time!!! teehee) ;)
I'm Home! WOOHOO! And better yet, there's Lucky Dog in da house!
