food The Hungover Chef

bring all the green label you can carry up to our "neck 'o the woods" and I'll cook you any perfect breakfast you want! Gravy, sunny side up eggs, fresh potato hashbrowns (NOT FROZEN!!!), buttermilk pancakes FROM SCRATCH!!! [sup]beotch![/sup], fresh ground breakfast snausage, name it --- [sup](heck, I made breakfast sausage from scratch with no onions over Christmas for my brother-in-law)[/sup]

sheesh, I should open a restaurant!

Oh, yea....... been there, done that................

nice sl,,i could have used that this morning i was still drunk so maybe i wasnt hungover worthy yet.. tthose hashbrowns need some chili and cheese and it would put you back to sleep,lol...
The little ones woke up about 2 cups after I did, guess last night was really more Single Dad than Batch'n but what the hey it was fun and dinner was perfect. The came down asking for their favorite breakfast, Pancakes. Sounded good to me so here we go.

We'll see if this gets the Scovie Seal of Egg-celence.

I have always used the recipe for pancakes that I got from my Grandma who was an Awesome Good Ole Country Cook. It's really simple:

1 1/2 Cups Flour
1 Tbl Baking Powder or 1 tsp Baking Soda and 2 tsp Cream of Tarter
1 tsp Salt
1 Tbl Sugar
1 1/4 Cups Milk
1 Egg
3 Tbl Melted Butter

Mix it all together and if it's a little lumpy that's just fine.


Gotta get the Squashage going.


Use a griddle or an Electric skillet, my CI griddle disappeared years ago and I haven't found another like it yet. Pour in the batter to the size cakes you want and cook till the top it bubbly or has a sheen to it then flip.



Perfect every time

Here's a shot of the kids pancakes


and of course breakfast when Dad makes it means a cup of Cowboy Coffee. Don't tell the kids it's mostly all milk with enough coffee to color and give it some flavor.


And Dads




No heat this morning, I had the perfect amount last night. Hope y'all have a great day, I know I'm off to a good start.

In the words of Jack T. Colton, "it looks like it's gonna be one helluva morning!"

This message is Scovie approved.
Well the body is slowly starting to tell me to ease up on the drinking........ mates bucks party last night, fantastic night, way into the wee hours of the morning. 10km stumble home in the pissing down rain, not fun, and a shocking hangover today.

So still a miserable day today, but fired up the wood fired oven and out these babies just in for tea and lunches.




Here's some Hangover fare. After last night, well... duh.

Smoked Salmon, Green Onions, Habanero Jack and Tillamook Cheddar, 2 eggs.
Toasted two Potato buns, Ranch Dressing, Tomato, fresh Basil.





I love omlettes.....but give me a runny yolk everytime!!!!

Imagine that sammy with the same ingredients.....except the yolk is runnin' out like a sweet, sweet sauce...............

:homer simpson:
Here's some Hangover fare. After last night, well... duh.

Smoked Salmon, Green Onions, Habanero Jack and Tillamook Cheddar, 2 eggs.
Toasted two Potato buns, Ranch Dressing, Tomato, fresh Basil.



This concoction is looks like some crazy Egg UFO or something ready to hover off the counter-top.
Made a version of "green eggs and ham"... two eggs sunny side up, slice of farmer's ham (bauerschinken), covered in my recent mean green sauce (kiwi's in there). Easy, fast, and tasty. Would have been super with some warm flour tortillas, but didn't have any :confused:

Making bloody mary's right now :)

That looks PERFECT for a Hungover Chef brekky!!!! :)

I'm surprised you didn't make your own tortillas!!!!!!! hahaha

I mean, after rolling out all those raviolis....torts woulda been easy peasy! :lol:

How is the kiwi in your sauce?! Does it give the sauce a little extra tang? Sounds yummy! :D