food The Hungover Chef

Ok I just got home from work, it's 4:45 and now I want on omelette for dinner!
I have to remember to eat first before I see anything Made by you RM!

CRAP! I just checked... only have 3 eegs... hmmm what do....
3 eggs for 2 people?, shee-it, bro, yo stylin'!

I once fed 4 adults breakfast with only 2 eggs. We were camoping, no stores to run too.
If only I could drink.... and if only hh81 was here in the mornings for some great food like that. Looks awesome SL!!!! You've got a lucky family. :)
thanks, Megan, Your non-drinking condition is temporary and for a very good cause! You get a pass on not posting drinking and hot foods for the next few months.

We just got back from the soccer game, our team won ( :woohoo: ) Finally coming back to normal. That all-nighter was wacky!
Hey OMRI!...
You should move SL's post to it's proper place... the DRUNKEN chef.

I know about when Wales Rugby team is in the World Cup going for 3rd/4th.... growl.... hissssss..... bbooooo..... bugger-off... "gimme some more grog or I'll wag the bus" or something like that... (the welsh speak)
Well for goodness' sake - what on earth would have happened if Wales had won???????? (i know i'd be a bit less sober right now!!!) Beautimous display, My Goddess of Hotness! Maybe we should all try cooking hungover more often?!?! hahaha Seems to be when inspiration rules over reason! :)

Hey HHB1/2 - I know U know breakfast IS for dinner!!!! haha So, tell me Dahlin' what did YOU have fo' dinna tonite? P-nut Butter & Whaaaaa???? (oh boy do I have a recipe for you, while on a pb kick.....) ;)
Call it whatever you friggin want.... We'll be there at 5PM... Gravy, sausage, eggs, (We'll bring'em), ham, steak, taters, gravy, cheese, eggs, gravy, steak, cheese, gravy, sausage, taters, cheese, napkin, eggs, hugs all around, gravy powders!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks, Megan, Your non-drinking condition is temporary and for a very good cause! You get a pass on not posting drinking and hot foods for the next few months.

Thank you SL.... I can't wait till February though. Then Megan can bust out her bartender self and have a few. :) and try a couple peppers :)
Brkkkkfst offfffffff.... shampiens.......... :beer:



At least this is a breakfast I am championing.
Lap it up Geeme, you have a magic wand now.