food The Hungover Chef

Red beers.... I miss them. Just over 3 months and I can drink again...... I am so starting with my fave VODKA!!!!!! And I will get smashed and Aaron can take care of me. :) maybe next spring a road trip to eastern Washington to visit some fellow chileheads.
Yes Geeme, I did, but it was Spicy V8.... and yes that's fresh ground BP floating on top. It's a crank style grinder, so every revolution I said "Sorry geem sorry geeme sorry geeme"

Megan, you better come over! SPring AND summer? don't you wanna float the river? It's awesome! You can drink as much beer as you want, and never have to go to the bathROOM. LOLOLOL
OH YEAH, Love me some Red Beer! Made one once when I was in Germany at the local B ar I went to and the owner loved it so much he was giving them away the rest of the night

Time to bounce this thread, or bump it, whatever you kids call it nowadays.

Well, this was one of the best new years we've had in recent ones, thanks to the awesome members here at THP!!!!!

Of course the best way to ring in the new year is with brunch.!

Garlic cottage fries w. some super-hot powder from Sethsquatch.
Eggs Benedict with Tillamook Cheddar, Smoked ham, and chipotle Hollandaise, topped w. some more of Sethsquatch's Tabasco powder.
Best I've ever made, perfect way to kick 2011 in the danglies, and bring on an awesome 2012!











s.d. ,,,the hungover chef! i like it ill post in the morning as i wont be what you little girls call hung over but i primise ill be foggy,like real foggy,lol :rofl: ill even share my magic recipe with bacon. as once i tell you this you will never cook bacon a nother way!
I definitely cheat and use either Knorr, or Western Family (generic) in a pinch. First time for the chipotle, I usually use a pickled jalapeño purreé. Might be stickin with the chipotle.

Always a little quicker than me....
Yeah sicman, I don't take you for the Hungover type, :cool:
My wife CJ makes bacon in the microwave. Top that!
Rubber-band man got nuthin' next to microwave hot dog man!

Scovie, when are you fixing breakfast again?
okay, I think that coors bottle standing on its end was staged :eek: ! But I GOTTA HAND IT TO YA-YOU KNOW HOW TO EAT!!!
ok not hungover but as promised the greatest bacon of all time
shake your flour(add spice if desired)......cook on med
sicman-you are one of my heroes now, don't know how many times I have thought doing this very thing(this where the evil grin emoticon would be...),next time,I am going to stifle the whiners and just do it!
LOL Slinger! The Drunken Chef requires alkeehol in the picture. The Hungover Chef requires a dead soldier in the picture. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
I'm kind of surprised TB hasn't showed us that method of baconizing. I like it sicman... a lot!
LOL Slinger! The Drunken Chef requires alkeehol in the picture. The Hungover Chef requires a dead soldier in the picture. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
I'm kind of surprised TB hasn't showed us that method of baconizing. I like it sicman... a lot!

Been there done that. I once did deep fried bacon that went on a deep fried burger!