food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Quicky King Oyster Pizza.

The kids making pizza for dinner. It's a great way to have them not complain about who gets to eat what! I've recently been baking them right on the pizza stone on the grill but my son complains that the bottom turns out a little too well done so we may have to go back to using the screens. I may experiment with turning the grill down - usually I turn all the burners up to max which gives a burning hot grill - perhaps too hot on the stones as they see the majority of the heat. This works OK with the pizzas on the screens but directly on the stone seems to be too hot.

Throw some semolina on the stone. That little lift/aeration may help.
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Are you closing the lid? If not they are probably on the stone too long and the bottom is done first. Close lid, and take out sooner perhaps. Anyway looks fun!