food The Last Great Pizza Thread

The shirts better roll in before I'm heavily pregnant. Right now I can still pass for not pregnant. Otherwise we've gotta wait a few months...
Fired up the oven last night.... sober..... and they came out heaps better... funny that :P but not as many hot and wild creations




Huge Puff
Aussie artisan style. I can dig it. For a while, all you Aussie's were breedin' like rats here on THP. Now a heap of Texans have taken over. Y'all need to post more from down under...'specially pizza pics like that! We loooooove pizza.
Shrimps and asparagus were on sale, so I made this pie last night, sauce is just butter, and dough is same as before. After dough was rolled out and docked, I buttered the crust and sprinkled with thyme, cardamom, fresh minced garlic and fresh lemon zest. Next I layered sliced habs and red onion, then sprinkled a tablespoon or two of roasted pine nuts and diced cooked bacon. Next shredded prosciutto, a combination of Havarti, smoked butter case and Gruyere cheeses. That was topped with fresh basil, heirloom cherry tomatoes, asparagus, crimini mushrooms, shrimp and a few spoons of melted butter. After it came out of the oven sprinkled a little parm on top.

Totally want to give you props on this pizza, PK, but I KNOW my shrimp, and those were not deveined. Must have had some funky taste, but I can see you didn't burn the bottom of the pie... you have skills in making pizza. Show us some more!!!
Thanks, and ya was too drunk to devein, not a bad taste just some grit every now and then, but I live in the desert and am use to that
Lived eleven years in Tempe, AZ. I know about "grit", too!

Devein next time. There are four obvious shrimps that need it. Otherwise, awesome pizza.

Keep them coming!
I see poo.

P.K. that's nasty. Clean the poop chutes please.