food The Last Great Pizza Thread


Siccy did some kind of Jedi mind trick or some sheeit on me and I did cheapass ghetto crap for the pizza pimpin' thread.

Y'all beez posting scratch artisan style up in here and rocking it harder than penitentiary steel.
TB - I just went and found your ghetto pie!

Dang You!!!! Next time you send that other half to ME!!!!! (not like it's gonna spoil or anything!!!! hahahaha)

Round 2 :fireball:
Similar to Fridays but with zucchini and eggplant(aubergine) sauteed in EVOO and Chardonnay. << full size. (click on to zoom) For intimate examination

Thin crust. mmmmmmm<< full size (click on to zoom)

Thicker crust without olives and roasted garlic, focusing on the earthy eggplant/zucchini notes.
<< full size.

Almost where I want it. Few tweaks to be made with the cheese, crust thickness and char.
Can't eat these standing up.... :D mmmmm

Those are amazing!

What do you mean like Fridays? That place sucks!
Hey Booma that margherita in the oven looks perfecto! I think you should have pulled it out that very second your slice has burned cheese, but still lookin' good!
Hey Booma that margherita in the oven looks perfecto! I think you should have pulled it out that very second your slice has burned cheese, but still lookin' good!

THP here's where we differ a bit.

I think that slice looks awesome.

I don't care for too much char on the crust.

But I dig on taking the cheese right up to the point where it has the beginnings of a burn but not quite.

Damn I want a wood fired oven!
Maybe we do there TB. I like a little char on my crust, not black bitter char though, but some charring. And I like my sauce and cheese more like the oven pic, maybe a couple seconds more, but I don't like brown bubbled cheese that's too far. I like it to string not pull off when you bite.
THP I concur about the cheese stringing.

But I do fancy that browned cheese in the right proportions on a nice crisp cracker style crust.

I've got a fridge full of food to eat up.

And THP because of YOU!!

I now want pizza!

Damn you
Let's just agree we'd both devour that slice. And I am envious of that oven.
Yeah, i personally like a little char on the crust, the slice was a tiny tiny little bit over done, i too also like the stretchy stringy cheese, but i was having a shocking time managin oven temps last night, need some better burning firewood.

Since the weather is finally starting to look closer towards summer, this thing is going to get a workout