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food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Got this idea from Jamie Oliver. Quick way of making pizza. Nice and crispy results. Proof in a flour dusted frying pan. Cook over very hot flame until you can smell a hint of burning. Place under very hot grill/broiler until done. No shots of the base cause I was starving and may have been drinking...

Sticky dough, Nandos' Hot sauce base, provole, bacon and black pepper.


Only took an hour and a half from start to devour

It's a 30 c.m. (11 /12 inch) stainless steel pan JayT.

The trick to making sure the pizza doesn't stick is to lightly rub oil over the pan, dust with flour and shape the pizza around the pan. Shake before proofing to make sure it's not sticking. Comes out everytime.

Or you can oil the pan and semi-fry the base
That's very intriguing! And a great looking pie!

I was watching a show this morning, "America's Test Kitchen", and they made the nicest looking New York Style, Thin Crust pizza! (Modeled after Brooklyn's Di Fara Pizzeria)
Explained all the scientifications and such.

So now I'm onto my 234th pizza dough experiment!!!!
Yep, everytime i make pizza i try a new dough, at the moment i have 2 favourites, tried about 15-20 different mixes, got a few more i wanna have a crack at.
I've hit a couple of B+s, and a few D+s. But I'm wanting that A+, gold star, "slap-yo'-momma" crust!

Pizza dough is one of the few things I'm willing to try over and over and over in the kitchen.
Kinda like tacos...even a "bad" one is still pretty good! I just love pizza that much! :D
Yep same here, my favorite too are close to B+s, As, i think, but still want that perfect crust, the one that you cannot share another slice with anyone else, you just have to have it all to yourself haha.

Practice makes perfect they say.

Also just found out.... i'm making pizza tonight, kind of odd, since im the one cooking, but mates are popping over, and his mrs has said "i would like some pizza"

Good times
Anyone who can make pizza on the fly like that is a GOD in my book!!!! hahahahaha

Just made my new dough - but it needs a minimum of 24 hrs on the fridge. So far, so good! :pray:
(actually, I totally messed up and added too much water with the first batch, so had to make it over...hahahahaha!)

Enjoy your pizza and mates Booma!!!! :) :cheers:
I always have dough in the freezer, quick defrost and im sorted for the quick ones


Cooking pizza in the rain YAY

Too much water, add some more flour, i sort of do mine a little by feel now, start with a recipe, then adjust as i go
I haven't weighed ingredients for wheat based breads for years.

My method is: Dry ingredients into the bot with the dough hook. Crank it up to full for a couple of seconds. Add oil to warm water with yeast. Mix liquids with dry on medium speed until you have a slightly sticky dough. Fill up sink with warm water. Lightly oil up the dough ball in the bowl. Put the bowl in the sink with a heavy chopping board on top for 40 minutes (or whatever it takes to double in size). Remove dough and fold in half about 10 times. Cover in wrap and whack in the fridge overnight. Or not. Just go with it. Remove, shape and then proof with sauce and ingredients on top already. Cook the sheeeit outta that pizza until it's golden crunchy goodness!
I like the yeastier taste and slightly chewier crust that I get with letting it rise twice in the fridge. 36-48hrs.
This one needed a bump.

Picadillo is a SoFlo staple. You've probably had it.
I like when it has lots of green olives! Not a fan of raisins in mine. No thanks.

I got a new slicer lately, and I'm doing all kinds of crazy stuff with it.
So I made picadillo into a meatloaf, sliced it thin, and put it on pizza. Boom!

Sauteed onions and garlic in olive oil. Added to raw 85-15, some tomato paste, salt, and cuban cracker meal.
Mixed by hand until pasty. Then put the olives in. Use a heavy hand on this step!
Form into a loaf and bake for an hour at 350.
Slice thin on a chef's choice 609 (or better).

Put on pizza, topped with fresh penos.

Here's the loaf 'bout to be sliced.

The picadillo looks kinda like italian sausage, but tastes SO MUCH BETTER!!!!


Nice moves putting meatloaf thru a slicer then on pizza FD.
One of my favorite pizzas of all time comes from a place on Whidbey Island, and they slice their meatballs like that.
And their meatballs are the size of oranges. (wankey wankey) lol
