food The Last Great Pizza Thread

It's not your ability, it's the camera. And yeah. The muted/off colors don't compare to brilliant pics even smartphones take these days. Do you have one? Might wanna try it.
You know the deal. We're not tasting these we're looking at them. Pics have to be pretty good for TDs. 
I still don't know what to do.  It doesn't look that way to me on my computer.

It looks 'cool' ... is it a camera? ... if it's a camera, look for AWB (auto white balance) ... it's far from perfect, but better than being on the wrong white balance for the lighting ...
YES! It's a white balance issue.
OR more likely an indoor/outdoor setting issue.
His outdoor shots look fine. You hit it. "Cool" is daylight, "Warm" is tungsten. The camera is in one setting and needs auto if he doesn't know how to switch.
Set to auto.
Yes, indoor outdoor is just prosumer simplification of what's white balance adjustment under the hood.

I'll give you the edge case, too. If you are using some viewer software, like Lightroom or Picasa or whatever, it might be saving your adjustments of the RAW file as metadata in a separate file. when you look on your screen it's how you've tweaked etc, but then you are uploading the original file to the photo storage place, which doesn't have the metadata. In that case, you'd look for something that's either an Export or Save As thing, which will render a separate file that has the integrated metadata.
Yes I know but sometimes the buttons may be lightbulb/sun/auto. My point being, look for AWB, or the indoor/outdoor icons.
And I'm 99% sure he is not shooting RAW. So no problem there. They are jpegs.
Close-up mode does not set color temperature, since you could be shooing indoors or outdoors.
If you post your camera model maybe we can help find the trouble.
it'll over strobe and give it a cool-over for macro i bet ...

getting enough consistent light to the whole object is often the challenge of macro ... it's just getting going at F8, really ...

you could also buy a colored gel to put over the flash and leave it in close-up ... should probably be the ambervision-ish colored gel ...
This is the model Jay is using.
This is the model Jay is using.

That's hilarious ... that's a famous camera because you can mod it to see through clothes using a lens ...

Creeper cam ...

going for thin crust today ...



range on 6 today, got started w/ surface temps of 350-400F ...



the shreds of moz melting only slightly more quickly ...

came out nice, though ... no smoke coming out from underneath this time ...




slices ...



can't really complain about that one, still plenty of room to improve though!

Dough: 850g '00" Flour
            150g Strong Durum Flour
            610g Water
              31g Salt
              15g Starter............24h/20h ..(bulk ferment/balled) temp 67d 
Not all pies have to be savory.....just good !
Here's a dessert pizza.....Black, Yellow and Red Rasperries that were sauced down with sugar and strained..Mascarpone and Brie Cheeses, Yellow Bhut Jolokia and a 250g stretched dough disc.

Dough was smeared with Mascarpone, Raspberry Syrups, blotted with Brie Cheese and sliced Yellow Bhut.

Baked at 850F for 2 minutes

An open,, airy, tender, chewy, cornicione.........hmm...what did I forget.......Oh Yeah...............YUM !