contest The Next Throwdown is...

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texas blues said:
Sorry G.
My dear sweet ma and mrs. blues have other plans as per culinary options.
All include eating out and no cooking involved.
I was hoping Torchy's Taco's was on the list but no....
I'll only have time for one dinner and one lunch with ma sadly.
And I have no choice in the matter.
I was hoping to at least get a good CFS out of this trip but nooooo!
I am once again over ruled by women.
My own ma, my wife, and my daughter.
My sister will also show up too.
Final summation.
 I'm f**ked.
Plah! All I hear is some sniveling kid whining in the wind. Even the wind's pissed at him, throwing his snot back in his own face. Wha wha wha. It doesn't take that long to drive from your'n place to Austin. Guess that means I'll have to make tacos in your dear sweet ma's honor, since her own kin won't do it. PLAH!
geeme said:
Plah! All I hear is some sniveling kid whining in the wind. Even the wind's pissed at him, throwing his snot back in his own face. Wha wha wha. It doesn't take that long to drive from your'n place to Austin. Guess that means I'll have to make tacos in your dear sweet ma's honor, since her own kin won't do it. PLAH!
If'n I were to guess I'd say you're drinking and posting.
Love it.
You're one of my favorite posters and you don't post enough.
And come on now G.
We know you know how to make damn good tacos.
Bring it girl!

No Taco Bell in Italy?????????????????????

Surely you know what a taco is.

Think piadina...
Sry i'm quite tired... I edited... I read just hard tacos... Btw "Other stuff to attend" part remains.
Believe it or not i worked on a Taco Bell 9 years ago!
And no, afaik there isn't anyTaco Bell in Italy jurisdiction. :D
texas blues said:
We know you know how to make damn good tacos.
Well thank ye kindly, dear sir. But I will be making some as-yet-never-before-attempted-by-g taco concoction that is making my head spin harder than a hangover. The creative juices are flowing, but sometimes little details can make or break an idea. Which, of course, just means the idea has to be refined in the event of a break, so the only question is whether 3 days is sufficient for said refinage, if it's needed. I aim to do right by your dear, sweet ma.
The Hot Pepper said:
Pimp that taco? :lol:
How did I get into this one too???   Dammit.  
G I am thinking about trying to recreate the tacos we ate that night in Fenwick.  Problem is it is all a little clowdy and I have no idea how to make green rice.
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