contest The Next Throwdown is...

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D3monic said:
I'm allergic to grass, mold, most weeds but especially ragweed, cockroaches, dust mites, dogs, .... so many things I forgot most the list. That's not even starting on the foods. ... oddly i'm not affected by poison ivy though. We have gender reversal roles around here. Wifey mowes the grass, I do the gardening, cooking and dishes. 
F ragweed. I'm always dying at the end of the summer when that stuff is rampid. Pollen from trees kills me too but that stuff is pretty and Time To Grow!, so that doesn't bother me as much. I've gotten used to my shellfish allergy but I have another unknown allergy that makes me break into hives and blow up out of every orifice. I really need to get tested lol.
Next TD is...
Any kind of taco. Hard shell*, corn, flour, puffy. Meat, fish, veg. Mexican, Korean, any fusion, as long as it is a taco. You are welcome to make your own tortillas. You may also use packaged. You know how voters like homemade breads and tortillas!
*If you make hard shell tacos you must turn them into hard shells yourself. No packaged hard shells. Start with soft corn packaged or homemade.
Presentation is at least 2 tacos, max 3, on a plate with no more than 2 sides; rice and beans, salad and elote, unique sides, sides that fit your fusion, whatever!
All tacos can be the same, or you may make up to 3 different tacos.
Starts Friday!
This is groundbreaking. We've never done Tacos! How is that possible? Like the Chili TD... 1st ever, expecting it to be epic, especially after seeing the recent creations on the forum...
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