contest The Next Throwdown is...

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The Hot Pepper said:
Next TD is...
Any kind of taco. Hard shell*, corn, flour, puffy. Meat, fish, veg. Mexican, Korean, any fusion, as long as it is a taco. You are welcome to make your own tortillas. You may also use packaged. You know how voters like homemade breads and tortillas!
*If you make hard shell tacos you must turn them into hard shells yourself. No packaged hard shells. Start with soft corn packaged or homemade.
Presentation is at least 2 tacos, max 3, on a plate with no more than 2 sides; rice and beans, salad and elote, unique sides, sides that fit your fusion, whatever!
All tacos can be the same, or you may make up to 3 different tacos.
Starts Friday!
Taco Friday?????
So let's see, fish for Friday, Lamb for Saturday and Ham for Sunday.
LOL I can just imagine what he posted...
But u still crazy.
I'm already starting to have some ideas on what i'm going to make for the throwdown. It will be pork that much I know for sure because that's what I already have. I gotta make due with what we got because no money left for any extra groceries. 
Can't wait. Almost wish it was sooner. Going to be 70 out Wed would of been a beautiful day to man the smoker. 
Damn you THP.
This is one TD i'd come back to.
Taco's are my 'thang and eat almost every night.
And for the love of GOD I'll be down in Austin at my dear sweet ma's joint with my daughter
and mrs. blues.
Count me in for Taco TD 2.0
Ok, I haz an idea. You know how these ideas can be: start noodling something and then it morphs into playing with your food. Long weekend from my client's perspective and the pool's closed one of those days - I anticipate lots of playing. It's a total crapshoot as to whether I can actually execute the idea in a manner that is TD-worthy, but I am definitely going to give it a try. 
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Now get your game on!  :hell:
Oh, and TB - WTF??? You can't cook at your dear sweet ma's joint? Your dear sweet ma can't be blessed with the abundance that comes from THE TB in all his taco glory? She raised you for THIS??? PHA! Fiddlesticks! If there's a way for one to be excommunicated from Tejas, this would be it. MAN UP, DUDE!
geeme said:
Ok, I haz an idea. You know how these ideas can be: start noodling something and then it morphs into playing with your food. Long weekend from my client's perspective and the pool's closed one of those days - I anticipate lots of playing. It's a total crapshoot as to whether I can actually execute the idea in a manner that is TD-worthy, but I am definitely going to give it a try. 
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Now get your game on!  :hell:
Oh, and TB - WTF??? You can't cook at your dear sweet ma's joint? Your dear sweet ma can't be blessed with the abundance that comes from THE TB in all his taco glory? She raised you for THIS??? PHA! Fiddlesticks! If there's a way for one to be excommunicated from Tejas, this would be it. MAN UP, DUDE!
Sorry G.
My dear sweet ma and mrs. blues have other plans as per culinary options.
All include eating out and no cooking involved.
I was hoping Torchy's Taco's was on the list but no....
I'll only have time for one dinner and one lunch with ma sadly.
And I have no choice in the matter.
I was hoping to at least get a good CFS out of this trip but nooooo!
I am once again over ruled by women.
My own ma, my wife, and my daughter.
My sister will also show up too.
Final summation.
 I'm fucked.
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