contest The Next Throwdown is...

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grantmichaels said:
I'm never changing my answer ...
grilled-cheese throwdown
but lots of throwdown scenarios sound fun to me ...
burger throwdown
pizza throwdown
curry throwdown
cold salad throwdown
sushi throwdown
paella throwdown
omelet throwdown
soup throwdown

In reviewing my own list, it's pretty obviously it's turned into Summer here, LOL ...
I could get behind any of these suggestions.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Meat stuffed with meat! 
Chris, I wont quote you yet in case you think of something funny.

A smallish ingredient list pookie picks, entrants throwdown something.
Ghetto Gourmet Throwdown. A three or more item plate for $15 or less. Using the receipt for POL. ALL INGREDIENTS for $15 or less, NOT INCLUDING salt, ground pepper, seasonings etc,homegrown dried or fresh peppers, hot powder, or hot sauce to give fire. Store bought peppers would be included in the receipt.  Lets see your Ghetto meat from the half off section.   :lol:
Feels like there should be a crown up for grabs over this weekend ...
Maybe there should be a new tradition formed this year ...
No grilling contests for the (extended)-family-free holiday ... for shame! ;)
There's still a long time, actually.
The first falls on a Monday, so the Throwdown won't be until Friday the 5th this time around.
That's forever away.
I don't see why we can't have a contest in a thread this weekend, though ...
Boss - you got anything up your sleeve? ... I don't want to preempt you, if so, but if not, I might just make a thread for Memorial Day Grilling and maybe there's a way to gamify it ...
Let's just  make a thread for that this weekend.
I'm game.
HybridMode's already declared BBQ and liquor ...
You have both, I'm sure.
Wonder if Booma's cooking - it's not a holiday, there, unless there's an unrelated one ...
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