contest The Next Throwdown is...

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JayT said:
Although this time I will be off, and home, I would second the motion of adding Monday to the Throwdown weekend, on a permanent basis. It would allow those of us that work on weekends a better chance of being involved in them. JMO.
Peeps aren't thinking globally. Our Monday is Tuesday for the other side of the globe. If an additional day were to be granted on a permanent basis, I'd vote for our Friday, since that's Saturday over yonder. They've always had to deal with TD's being their Saturday to Monday, with only a few hours of Saturday being available to them. While the (two?) attempts to give more time on our Friday didn't yield a lot more entries from the other side of the globe, I think if it were more well-known and permanent we'd see more entries over time.

Ozzy2001 said:
My son has a swim meet next weekend.
Me too. I hope he does well!
P.S. - If anyone has the gall to use boxed or otherwise pre-mixed curry powder in this TD, BAN HIM!!!! :hell:
That is all. Carry on! :D
grantmichaels said:
The Monday request was for some of us =)
Yeah, got that. So, let's see.... Let's start having TD times based on time zones. They now start at 4p on Friday New Zealand time, but only if you're actually in NZ. You want 4p Saturday to 10p Monday. And so on.... That would be a total PITA to administer. We're already a PITA enough in Dan's life, I'm sure. ;)
They already start on Friday, first Friday of every month. They start when the forum is active or the thread gets lost. Tried starting in "wee hours" and no one entered. Thread got buried. Not even banter or prep in it. Friday is slow anyway. keybrdkid and maybe one more, or none and just some banter. It picks up Saturday and ends Sunday also when active which sometimes creates a dramatic finish. It's a formula that works and if you can't enter you'll just have to wait one out. Adding days creates slow periods. Have tried both ends already. Have to keep it short and sweet for the most activity and interest.
It's as international as it can be. It spans 3 days. And really most members here are US.
#hype trending

On leave from Wednesday until January.  Currrrrry….
Never made curry and I would like to try. I know we have plans friday and saturday maybe sunday. I am certainly looking forward to seeing some great dishes prepared.
I've never had asian style curry but indian I didn't like one bit, don't even like the smell of curry seasoning. I won't be able to afford to participate in the TD any how but maybe one day I would try a asian. I've had thai curry soup before.. I guess that's "asian" I didn't like it though. *pointless ramble of the day brought to you by- D3
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Venison curry! Oh wait, people here are scared :)
Myself included.
I threw the leftovers of my lamb away rather than chance the smell of them after reheating ...
The gaminess was low while it was hot, but as it cooled, it started creeping in ...
All throughout the rest of the week, I kept imagining whiffs of it, or picking up on those aromatics if they were actually present ...
I'm keeping the duck, throwing lamb on the ground, and proceeding with caution re: venison ...
grantmichaels said:
Myself included.
I threw the leftovers of my lamb away rather than chance the smell of them after reheating ...
The gaminess was low while it was hot, but as it cooled, it started creeping in ...
All throughout the rest of the week, I kept imagining whiffs of it, or picking up on those aromatics if they were actually present ...
I'm keeping the duck, throwing lamb on the ground, and proceeding with caution re: venison ...
I do not like lamb, maybe a wild one I killed might be different :) 
D3monic said:
I've never had asian style curry but indian I didn't like one bit, don't even like the smell of curry seasoning. I won't be able to afford to participate in the TD any how but maybe one day I would try a asian. I've had thai curry soup before.. I guess that's "asian" I didn't like it though. *pointless ramble of the day brought to you by- D3
Indian is Asian :lol:
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