• General food and cooking questions, discussion, and recipes. To blog your food or to create (or post in) a community food thread, please post in Post Your Eats!

contest The Next Throwdown is...

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We grow wild beans. Here's some before they are picked.

A wild bean cluster:
I'm just going to throw in (again) that I'd like to see a new discussion thread for 2017. That is all. Carry on! :lol: 
Ok, that's not all. Beer. Meh. I'm so glad that Glad brand makes Press-and-Seal - it's PERFECT for the rest of the bottle you only drank half of! :party:  
Ok, for those who have told me they wanted to give the sorbet that I made a try, here's what I did differently for the third batch. Reduced water by 1/4 cup. Only use 1/4 cup of lime juice. Use 1/2 cup of pomegranate juice. Add about 1/3 cup of finely-chopped dark chocolate when you add the hot pepper pieces. It's pretty friggin' good like this. I think I'll try it again some time, though, and reduce the water and increase the pomegranate juice by a bit. Not much, maybe another 1/4 cup of each.
I need one of these...

Only it needs to be reprogrammed to say "danger, geeme!" Well, that and make food for me. If I do the programming, can it make a TD entry??? 
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