contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Okay, now I know most caravans have LP stoves... and you have a phone...  no excuses lol. :)
Booma without his pizza oven... this will be a test.  I am sure he will pull off some sort of Aussie magic though.
Hook the oven to the caravan, and the caravan to the car :lol:

Oops shudda thought of that when you built yours. :)

Haha, well the oven is on wheels, so is the smoker, mothing some electrical tape and rope can't solve

Or being that the van is all aluminium, maybe I could harness the Suns' rays and solar cook a pizza?
Solar power pizza?
You mean like Solyndra?
That could be one very $$$$$$ pizza!
Boom not in a pizza throwdown would be like the sky without the sun.
That would make me very sad.
Time to go play some blues.
Hahaha nah just popping down to Ocean Grove, me and the mrs and another dozen or so mates
You know what's funny, when I had hair....... Hahahahahahahaha

I used to look like joe dirt
Will I be banned if I make a whole wheat cracker crust for the t-down?
Ya' know because its hippy style n' all?
Texas Hippy Style.
Could be happnin'.
Oh it'll be thin alright as its my preferred style. 
Nuthin' that a tortilla press and a french pin can't handle though.
This is gonna' be fun.
Nope, you will not be banned, but ridiculed?  Perhaps. I think you should put hhhhwheat grass and soyrizo on it too.  Oh wait, and maybe some tofurky... :lol: 
Do your thang amigo.
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