contest The Next Throwdown is...

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TB makin' a po' boy for Crappy Spicy Food. :lol:
geeme said:
Ha! Essegi's running skeered! LOL
Actually, I think my favorite throwdowns are when we have the challenge of doing something we are totally unfamiliar with. I love the challenge of finding something that sounds interesting, even though I have never tried it before, but also trying to add a bit of a twist to make it my own. Who of us can't say they were in the same boat for the African-themed throwdown? I think everyone outdid themselves for that one!
Not really scared and this would be a good chance to learn something new (always a good thing). ;) Just have other (and quite mind bowling stuff) to study right now and want some relax. But who knows...
The Hot Pepper said:
Essigi, these are New Orleans dishes.
Thanks, i'll read tomorrow (very late now here!).
texas blues said:
Essi skeered?
I think not.
He just isn't familiar with NOLA cooking is all.
Dude won in his first t-down or 2nd entry didn't he?

THP beat me to it.
Thanks TB! ;)
Essegi said:
Not really scared and this would be a good chance to learn something new (always a good thing). ;) Just have other (and quite mind bowling stuff) to study right now and want some relax. But who knows...
Just joshing, essegi. I am a veteran of working full-time and taking classes and not getting enough sleep, and I get that sometimes we just have to bow out. In fact, I've been bowing out of many TD's lately, as other things have taken over. But HOOYA - would love to see what you would come up with, as all of your posts look scrumptuous!
Gonna have to tap out on this one...  I have a boy scout overnight trip with my son this weekend.  This will be the first TD I am missing since I got hooked!
Good luck ladies and gentlemen.  Looking forward to some mouth watering rude boys!
Ok, i got more or less roux part... I made something similar: img= (butter and wheat) for one of my last pasta dish for a besciamella like Asiago cream... Is that allowed? (here i added milk and Asiago).

Still not sure about poboy thing... Could i use some ragù for meat (maybe with sausage)?
Could i abuse of cheese (just beacuse i want to eat it :D)?
Don't want cook or eat fish that weekend (and i'm not inpsired to mix fish with that cream above)...

Still far from sure (today i work till 11pm, can't exit from home that weekend, but maybe i could send someone to buy some stuff).

EDIT: what about using some cheese coated in breadcrumbs and fried instead fish? :D
I wanted to do this one, but I'll be out all Friday and Sat and don't know if I'll have time on Sunday. We'll see.
The roux is the easy part, it is the rest of making gumbo or etouffee and making the baguettes that will take all the time.
I don't gather that left over etouffee from Mardi gras will be allowed, will it. :mope:
I can't wait to see what kind of cajun/creole hippy sheeite TB comes up with. It's bound to be .... interesting.

Does quinoa count as a thickener?
Essgi, you are on the right track, bang one out! Whatever you make... it is your take on it and we all know your cooking... so yeah.

For the next 3 seasons of the year, I shall be naming the TD in threes.

April - Flatbread
May - Cinco de Mole
June - Burgers
Thanks for the warning on the Mole' 
I gotta do a little JTing for that one, aint no shame!
It's Scovie's TD to lose, though. He makes the best Mole' in the world. 
And that aint no lie. 
I need to rethink April we just saw a lot of seafood in the last one. The other two I like.
Okay okay gimme a sec here I think I know April...
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