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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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You didn't like it on the Skirt Steak, and I think you were right, the dry rub/crust had all the flavor needed.
That BBQ sauce is frickin KILLER tho.
Screams chicken to me... and even pork, but yeah I like limited stuff on beef. And usually not sweet unless it's an ethnic deal like Korean.
The Hot Pepper said:
... And usually not sweet unless it's an ethnic deal like Korean.
Ahhhhhhhh.... There it is..... The key to perfect Mole.... Just a HINT of sweet with a good dose of heat...

Not like that KRAFT bbq sauce that is mostly sugar. Ech!
Mole sauce on a rustic pie with ricotta salata cheese to imitate cotija Mexican cheese. Virtually the same cheese. Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All you have to research is the sauce. And there are many!
The Hot Pepper said:
Mole sauce on a rustic pie with ricotta salata cheese to imitate cotija Mexican cheese. Virtually the same cheese. Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All you have to research is the sauce. And there are many!
Damn you THP! You used "rustic pie" magic words to lure me in!:D
That time i have huge problems on purcahsing ingredients, it would be difficult..:p
Scoville DeVille said:
I am Molé KING!


(So far) LOL
Eh he i noticed!:D
Phil did win Cajun. Essegi did win pizza. JayT did win seafood sandwich. I see your logic there geeme. In other words... THE PRESSURE IS ON SCOBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys flatter me. Truth is, I have never won anything for my Mole, and mole is like Burgers or Tacos in that, there are millions of variations of it and most are delicious. I am hoping there will be a good turn out for this one!

SL and Salsa Dude will be here for the eating part of this TD so hopefully I won't forget to take pictures. :rofl: :drunk:
A mole taco burger? Sounds like you may end up posting in Crappy Food! :lol:
Any hints on the June TD?

And don't say "cake". I'll throw that shit on the ground. I ain't gonna be part of your system!

I do believe THP mentioned that June was Burgers.
Don't know what kine-o spin he's gonna' want or if its open season on the style.
No matter.
I'm all in.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Kill my own cow, grind it then a smoked burger!
Back in high school living down on the farm in the Rio Grande Valley we had plenty animal's.
My first cow was Alice, an angus/holstein cross.
What a sweetheart and I loved her.
She got bred a big charolais blonde bull that was much to big for her.
I had to get elbow deep to pull the bull calf out at birth as he was almost to big for her hips.
That little guy, Zebadee, grew up to be as big as his daddy and a gentle giant.
I couldn't bare the thought of ever putting any one of them in the freezer.
I got no problem though of buying a chuck roast and grinding my own though.
Hear me now, believe me later.
Best burger you will ever make and eat.
Home ground straight into the pan is the sheeit!
Doesn't even need condiments.
Y'all know how I roll.
Salt. Thin sliced onion. Cast iron. Lightly toasted squishy bun.
Have mercy.
True story.
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