contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Geemer has a point. Delicacy to some could just seem gross to others. Some people might love squab, but growing up in the city might make it difficult for others to eat or even find appetizing.. Pigeons are like rats with wings. Reference crawfish... same reasoning. Some folks can't imagine ever eating one because they're too much like "insects"
Geeme's ultimate point is, in essence, that it's all about perspective. Which is why I argue for "Make some @#$%^&*'n Chicken."
It keeps things simple, and yet it can still be as complex as you want to make it.
geeme said:
Not necessarily - the rules could be clear that it needs to be an "ordinary" bird type. Plus, I'm thinking about when I did ostrich a few years ago. I mostly did it because people had been talking positively about it and I wanted to give it a try. However, I also know that most people haven't tried it so couldn't wrap their minds around it to vote for it - "exotic" tends to equal "no votes." Heck, even though duck is ordinarily found in most grocery stores, I know that some people have only had it cooked in a manner that left it greasy so wouldn't vote for it, either. Sad for them, but true. So even though I love duck, I'd think twice about putting it in a TD unless I didn't care about votes and was just making it as an excuse to fix duck again. Which would likely be what happens, in my case.
Or an ordinary bird you could find in your yard. That would mean you could cook chicken, goose, duck, turkey, or even guinea fowl.
DaQatz said:
Or an ordinary bird you could find in your yard. That would mean you could cook chicken, goose, duck, turkey, or even guinea fowl.
There might be a temptation to do Blue Jay or Cardinal here, then. Sparrow? Robin? Crows? Had hummingbirds when I lived in CA….. I'd suggest sticking with found in grocery store or, like Sum suggested, just chicken. Though admittedly I'm not a big chicken eater. 
could make it like a whole thanksgiving dinner with multiple courses.. would be a lot of work though
main course (turkey)
dessert (pumpkin something?)
DaQatz said:
You don't raise those birds in your yard. They are wild.
 LOL - I live in a city burb, so no bird raising in yards here. We do get wild turkeys in the yards from time to time, though. Them birds are BIG! 
Juanitos - I am all about simplifying for Thanksgiving. As in I'm making desserts and bringing them to my daughter's place - cheesecakes are easy. No way I'm going to do a full spread when I don't have to. But good on you if you're up to doing that twice in a month!
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Fiddy!  You Crack Me UP!!!!!
'kay, back on topic...
I can see where just Calling Fowl could lead to all sorts of stuff, but then again, that's kinda where TDs go .  I usually don't vote for dishes with mushrooms and green peppers.  But that's just me.  and we all know how geeme feels about Black Pepper!!!   No reason to exclude all fowl  just because someone might not vote for duck. 
We have some doves that have been hanging out...might be opportunity to....... Fowl Out! with an Extraordinary Fowl.
I don't eat chicken.
But have mercy!
I love duck like '70's porn.
Boom wacka wacka wow wow!
Somebody said sauce a few pages back.
Thas' the 'kang of sowse!
I'll be workin' harder than Chinese 'rithmetic that weekend.
I'm out.
I'm givin' myself the finger for that.
Lo siento y'all.
texas blues said:
I don't eat chicken.
But have mercy!
I love duck like '70's porn.
I'm pretty sure there's a post SOMEWHERE  in the Drunken Chef of Texas Blues cooking some kind of YardBird.  Now...whether said YardBird got EATEN or not...who is to know.....
And I know Times have changed and TB's on a Veggie Train to somewhere......But I'm still calling BS on that one, TB.
maybe already called and answered.... 
:rofl:  I just cracked myself up!
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