contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I could go for a nice margarita about now, 10 more hours of night shift to go... ugh

At least I'll have brewed some grouper for you, and while I wouldn't normally ruin his element of surprise, Booma mentioned more cherry smoked burgers this weekend when I asked about using the h. pink salt block w/ or w/o evoo ...

I know how it feels to have a Friday night working overnight when things slow down ;)

Yikes! Our a Margaritaville machine was one of the best things I've ever bought. Especially when you dump some fresh blackberries or strawberries in there.

Ozzy2001 said:
Yikes! Our a Margaritaville machine was one of the best things I've ever bought. Especially when you dump some fresh blackberries or strawberries in there.
I almost bought one of those when i was an alcoholic, margaritas was my drink of choice, some tequila corralejo and grand marnier. Good shit. have a few margaritas every night. 
Haven't had a drink in 2-3 years. No moral reason, just I was on a medication that reacted adversely with it and made me sicker than hell every time i had a drink. Eventually it made me not want to any more. Like a rat that gets electrocuted every time it goes for the food. Been off the meds for a year but still scared of the drink. 
D3monic said:
I almost bought one of those when i was an alcoholic, margaritas was my drink of choice, some tequila corralejo and grand marnier. Good shit. have a few margaritas every night. 
Haven't had a drink in 2-3 years. No moral reason, just I was on a medication that reacted adversely with it and made me sicker than hell every time i had a drink. Eventually it made me not want to any more. Like a rat that gets electrocuted every time it goes for the food. Been off the meds for a year but still scared of the drink. 
Like A Clockwork Orange
grantmichaels said:
At least I'll have brewed some grouper for you, and while I wouldn't normally ruin his element of surprise, Booma mentioned more cherry smoked burgers this weekend when I asked about using the h. pink salt block w/ or w/o evoo ...

I know how it feels to have a Friday night working overnight when things slow down ;)

Being a popular tourist destination for one of the more traveled holiday weekends of the year - I can't expect a full selection will be available after Wednesday ;) .... any categorical hinting yet, Boss? ...
I'm thinking about ordering some more fresh fish ...
I might put off the escolar a little longer, lol ...
Diarrhea fish can wait until it's not circa-holiday weekend, FFUUU ...
grantmichaels said:
Being a popular tourist destination for one of the more traveled holiday weekends of the year - I can't expect a full selection will be available after Wednesday ;) .... any categorical hinting yet, Boss? ...
I couldn't wait any BBQs both Saturday and Sunday. Ordered the meat this weekend, as it will be harder to find as the week progresses.

Hopefully the TD includes ribs, brisket or pork butt, if not good luck everyone.
Yeah I'm definitely making some ribs this weekend for sho. I'm curious to see what this TD will be. I don't have much going on this weekend so I'm sure I'll jump in.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Guess I'll just smoke some ass this weekend...need a trip to Costco! 

Just cleaned the WSM, looks like Sunday could be a perfect smoking day!
Nice change of pace from smokin pole....   
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