contest The Next Throwdown is...

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D3monic said:
You and my exwife would have got along famously... her and her shitty enchiladas made with boiled chicken. Hated coming home to the smell of that. 
I hate it too ... I just left off a critical ? ... You are supposed to be giving Booma a hard time, not me ... LOL!
grantmichaels said:
Dig a hole in the yard and bury some pork Cuban style?
lol nothing better than comparing a cuban to a mexican. Both sides go on a tirade. Same with puerto ricans. Had a secretary that was one of those two. always greeted her with Hola and made comments on her mexican heritage... just because she would get so worked up
lol nothing better than comparing a cuban to a mexican. Both sides go on a tirade. Same with puerto ricans. Had a secretary that was one of those two. always greeted her with Hola and made comments on her mexican heritage... just because she would get so worked up

meant MIA - it's fusion.
SmokenFire said:
You're kidding right?  Smoked, finished in the oven, shredded, fried in bacon fat, plated on a tortilla.   :)
lol that's what I do every time  :rofl:
Everyone gotta be getting tired of seeing my pork tacos. 
D3monic said:
lol nothing better than comparing a cuban to a mexican. Both sides go on a tirade. Same with puerto ricans. Had a secretary that was one of those two. always greeted her with Hola and made comments on her mexican heritage... just because she would get so worked up
Lol we had a pretty diverse fraternity house and the Mexican guys would always talk sh!t to the Puerto Ricans and vice versa. When I was the pledge educator I would give extra credit questions on their quizzes like "Are Mexicans or Puerto Ricans better?" Then post their answers so the guys could see what they said and mess with them.

Good times
Now some spare rib tacos with carnitas baked beans.. That's sounding mighty good with some jalapeño cornbread.. Mmmm

Just got the wifey seal of approval
Can see the excitement in her reply... Lol
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