contest The Next Throwdown is...

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oldsalty said:

And is today the start or last fullweekend of month? Sorry just excited to finaly be able to enter!!! :)
Yeah should be today.  I am sure the Boss will post up the guidelines this afternoon.  
Chances are high that I'll be Marcie-ing this one, after all. My temp's been between 100.2 and 100.4F for three days now, and that is somehow having an adverse impact on my motivation to noodle anything other than sleeping and eating right now. Never fear, though, as I'm sure I'll try something and post it to my flog eventually.
Salty pulled a Babe Ruth by suggesting homemade noodles, he pointed to center field and hit a home run.
So Salty "really" gets to choose this one. Let's see if he hits another one, or strikes out.
Salty this is all you. Think about it and PM before posting.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     When do we get him tested for 'roids?
VVex- it's a TON of fun!  Jump into the fray if you can. Or next month.  
And, everyone, do watch out for that TaterTot whore...... also known as Wheebz!!!!!
ps- we do love wheebz anyway!
I love Pho and Soto soup.. allthough it is hard to make an esthetically winning soup (Unless arranging ingredients for the pic). It would be the first one that I'd participate in. To bad you can't upload smells because soto absolutely smells delicious.
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