The Official Yellow Scorpion CARDI Grow Thread...

Peteypepper, I agree their vigor is amazing. Always the first to pop up with the strongest growth habits. I wouldn't classify them as a 'super hot' though. PRF described their heat/taste well in the past. They are very worth growing nonetheless.

DarkTrak, try some Alaskan Fish Fert, it made my plants super green and they seem to love it. Although it smells terrible. LOL The diresctions on the bottle claim it wont burn no matter what. I am also giving them Jack's 20-20-20 and every other feeding they get SUPERthrive.
DarkTrak, try some Alaskan Fish Fert, it made my plants super green and they seem to love it. Although it smells terrible. LOL The diresctions on the bottle claim it wont burn no matter what. I am also giving them Jack's 20-20-20 and every other feeding they get SUPERthrive.

Im using fish emulsion now, is that what you are talking about?
Peteypepper, I agree their vigor is amazing. Always the first to pop up with the strongest growth habits. I wouldn't classify them as a 'super hot' though. PRF described their heat/taste well in the past. They are very worth growing nonetheless.


I am eagerly awaiting a mature pod so I can test the hotness of this pepper. I agree that probably not in the same class as the big boys in the 7 pod "complex" but if it has fatalii level heat, that would be hot enough for me. :mouthonfire:

This immature YSCardi pod here has the "classic" scorpion look at all the dimples on the bottomhalf of this pepper. Last year hardly any of my peppers, even the naga morich, had the dimples. The weather last summer was rather cool so I think that had a lot to do with it. The heat is on so far this summer. :hell:

Hey guys. Great looking plants and peppers to all. This is the first Ive heard of the CARDI. Anybody have seeds for sell or trade? Id like to get in on the fun here!

Hey guys. Great looking plants and peppers to all. This is the first Ive heard of the CARDI. Anybody have seeds for sell or trade? Id like to get in on the fun here!


You can buy them from here:

I am still waiting for my order to arrive, but everybody says it is a great reputable company.

or wait a few weeks for harvast time and there should be plenty of people willing to trade or help you out.


Sterling I also Sent you a PM.
I was the original supplier. I must've sent them to 100 people via SASE offers. lol. Oh someone should be able to help you. :) I actually didn't grow it this year. I get bored too easily with the same plants. My attention span is short. :)

With all the interesting stuff you find every year, I would imagine it would be easy to get bored with the same old - same old every year, Chris.
I was the original supplier. I must've sent them to 100 people via SASE offers. lol. Oh someone should be able to help you. :) I actually didn't grow it this year. I get bored too easily with the same plants. My attention span is short. :)


If you're the original supplier then let me tell you that thats a very nice pepper plant, with awesome pods.
From the threads I read about 7 pods all guys talk very highly about this strain.

I'll try to grow them in 2011 :)
