The Official Yellow Scorpion CARDI Grow Thread...

Just wait till you try them Potawie, not at all what you'd expect. The plants are huge as well as the pods and you can go chomp one in the garden without fear. Should be a great selling pod with the cool shape and low heat, kinda confusing when the red ButchT is so hot. :mouthonfire:
Harvested these in the last 3 days. Two are from one plant that is in-ground, can you guess which two?

One thing I've noticed about this variety is that the pods split/crack very easily when they start to ripen, at least for me in my current climate.
I got a plant that has 100% consistent pod shape and massive pods. This is the 'gold' standard for this variety. If anyone's wondering what was the pod supposed to be, here it is:


I considering the great Yellow Scorpion CARDI seed giveaway - part #2.....stay tuned.

The ones growing on mine are inconsistent in shape.

Please please please please let me know about the great Yellow Scorpion CARDI seed giveaway - part #2 I missed part 1.

Thanks Chris.
I got a plant that has 100% consistent pod shape and massive pods. This is the 'gold' standard for this variety. If anyone's wondering what was the pod supposed to be, here it is:


I considering the great Yellow Scorpion CARDI seed giveaway - part #2.....stay tuned.


Those look great. I'm confused though, a while back you said you weren't growing it this year. Did you find a hidden patch?
Checking back in to say I love this pepper. Thanks again Chris!

One of my Yellow Scorpions got the TLC it deserved and I've just been rewarded. I grew it in about 1.5 gallons of coco coir and although I was seeing ripe pods more than a month ago, I waited until the plant was filled up. I harvested all of the fully ripe pods a few days ago. There are plenty of beautiful green ones left for later. Most were huge. The harvest filled up the dehydrator nicely. Here's why I love this pepper:

-Vigorous and healthy plant. One of the best ever.
-Pod size was very consistent. Almost all were very large.
-Pod quality was super high. I was able to leave ripe ones on the plant for 6+ weeks and they were firm and fresh when I harvested. No rotting or cracking at all.
-Flavor was fantastic. Many went beyond color change so they may have been more sugary. The heat was probably equal or even less than an orange hab. Different from the Fatalii and Yellow Bhut. If a Fatalii is a lemon, the Yellow Scorpion is an Orange. It's fruity and sweet and has a complex heat. I'm looking forward to a mixing up a blend of YS CARDI, Fatalli and Yellow Bhut.
-Beautiful color. Mine tended to be more orange than yellow and they look great on the plant.
-Everything else that makes C. Chineses great also applies.
-Heavy harvests!

You can see some of the plant here, pre-harvest:

Here's the harvest in a salad spinner:

Spread out on 3 plates:

Three of the biggest, and 3 of the nicer stingers:

This plant is so good, I will grow it every year. It's like a much better Orange Habanero. Hope everyone else's are doing well too.
My plant has only produced one ripe pod, and it has a second unripe pod that is just starting to turn color. The ripe turned orange, not yellow. I left it on the plant for 2-3 weeks, hoping it would turn yellow, but it stayed orange. Has anyone else have an orange CARDI?
I don't have an orange CARDI, I only had one ripe pod so far, though. Due to the weather, I think, all my plants are podding way more now. Here is my ripening pod (pic is about a week old, harvested the seeds when it was fully yellow, already ate the pod.)
