The Official Yellow Scorpion CARDI Grow Thread...

PeteyPepper said:
I have become a big fan of Botainicare fertilizer - - Pure Blend Metabolic Grow. It is supposedly natural and organic as well as loaded with good stuff like kelp, earthworm castings and bat guano.

Botanicare makes some good stuff, I use some of their hydroponic products for my hydro setups, but after reading your post and seeing your pics I might just try that Pure Blend Metabolic Grow for my dirt pots especially if its all natural/organic.
those are some healthy looking scorps ya got there :)
Good lookin' starts guys. Especially you Petey- you always take good pics too.

Here's my largest, started Jan. 1st, the rest are sprouts from mid Feb. (no pics, in the growbox) Only have literally a couple backup seeds in case of whatever, already shared my extras. awhile ago. Many thanks to Chris for sharin' the seeds in the first place!

I apologize for the unseemly yellow appearance- lots of El Nino rain this year, need to give a little epsom love. Already hardened off to full outdoor light, may have done it over too long a period w/ varying stages of shade cloth. She'll be alright. Time for a bigger pot very soon.


Yes, that is a lemon sparkling water for scale. I panicked I guess.
JJBagoose said:
Here are a couple of shots of the 2 I have going:

So far so good.

Lookin' Excellent!

WickedMojo said:
Botanicare makes some good stuff, I use some of their hydroponic products for my hydro setups, but after reading your post and seeing your pics I might just try that Pure Blend Metabolic Grow for my dirt pots especially if its all natural/organic.
those are some healthy looking scorps ya got there :)

You know, I've always have been a Fox Farm fertilizer guy but thought that I would try something different this year. Mainly
because I found out that "Big Grow" is not natural and organic. Soooo...the hydro guy turned me on to the Botainicare Metabolic
Grow. He said it is like a Vegan Tea...whatever that means. Results so far have been great although really no different than the
Fox Farm Grow Big. Both are fertilizers that I would recommend but if you really want natural and organic, go with Metabolic grow.
boutros said:
Good lookin' starts guys. Especially you Petey- you always take good pics too.

Here's my largest, started Jan. 1st, the rest are sprouts from mid Feb. (no pics, in the growbox) Only have literally a couple backup seeds in case of whatever, already shared my extras. awhile ago. Many thanks to Chris for sharin' the seeds in the first place!

I apologize for the unseemly yellow appearance- lots of El Nino rain this year, need to give a little epsom love. Already hardened off to full outdoor light, may have done it over too long a period w/ varying stages of shade cloth. She'll be alright. Time for a bigger pot very soon.

Yes, that is a lemon sparkling water for scale. I panicked I guess.

Thanks for the compliment on the plants Boutros. Your Yellow Scorps CARDIs are looking pretty nice as well.
As far as the photography, just a DSLR with fluorescent lights...nothing real sophisticated. I would tell you those
plants are as green in real life as they are in the photos. I attribute that to good fertilizer and NATURAL sunlight.

Ok heres 6 of my CARDIs that I potted up...

Six more that need to grow up a little more before being potted up...

One more waiting for his 5 little brothers to wake from their soil...
PeteyPepper said:
Ok....These plants are 6 weeks from germination. Don't know how long the Budweiser is from germination, though. :D



No superthrive this year, as I believe that it made my plants somewhat "leggy" last year. I have become a big fan of Botainicare
fertilizer - - Pure Blend Metabolic Grow. It is supposedly natural and organic as well as loaded with good stuff like kelp, earthworm castings and bat guano.

Hey, I just bought some Botanicare CNS17. It's a 3-1-2. My seedlings are just getting going so the guy at the hydro store suggested it, even though I'm not doing hydro. Your thoughts on their products would be great.
I use the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow. It is 3-2-4 and the plants love it. It says on the bottle it can be used for soil or hydro.

I am using the CNS17 this year, I see by the numbers you have the grow formula (the bloom is 2-2-3) I used the bloom at the tail end of last season, and seemed good. Thicker solution than the Botanicare Pro grow and bloom. Cheaper too, so we'll see. I notice on the CNS series you mix the nute tablespoons or mls to liters, and the Pro is tablespoons or mls to gallons.

Bottom line is IMO Botanicare hasn't let me down yet. CNS17 is apparently good for soil and hydro. (And is also coco specific/approved btw :P) That always gets me excited :lol:

edit- the #'s seem weird on the bloom... not that it concerns you yet- just letting you know there is also a CNS17 Ripe to finish out the bloom, the #'s are 1-5-4.
Here's a couple of the CARDI scorpion plants I've got going, seeds also from Chris. The one in the gallon tub had roots growing out of the drain holes so it was moved up. You can see that here in post #487. The one in the red cups isn't far behind in needing to be moved up.


Chris must do something special with his seeds. The 7 Pod Primo Strain seeds I got from him are blowing everything else away growth wise. Thanks man.
I forgot to say thanks to Peteypepper for starting this thread. Thanks man!

I did some reading on the Botanicare Organic nutes you're talking about and what surprised me is it isn't a fertilizer per say but more of a supplement. This is the quote from the site "PURE BLEND Original Metabolic Grow Formula is best used as a supplement to standard fertilizer or hydroponic nutrient formulations."
It has been beautiful weather here in the mid-Atlantic over the past 4 or 5 days. Highs in the mid-70's and wall to wall sunshine. My peppers have been vacationing outdoors...

Here is one of my Yellow Scorp CARDIs that germinated about the second week of January. This plant is a good 20" tall and needs to be outside on a full-time basis. Another couple of weeks and we will be there!


PeteyPepper said:
It has been beautiful weather here in the mid-Atlantic over the past 4 or 5 days. Highs in the mid-70's and wall to wall sunshine. My peppers have been vacationing outdoors...

Here is one of my Yellow Scorp CARDIs that germinated about the second week of January. This plant is a good 20" tall and needs to be outside on a full-time basis. Another couple of weeks and we will be there!



man you are knocking this one out the park!!!
Couple of the TS CARDI's I've got going. Still need to pot them up. You can see they've got a bit of sunburn. Probably wind burn too as it hasn't stopped screaming through this part of the planet for about three days. How windy you ask? Why I watched the Wicked Witch of the West ride Dorothy's bike past the upstairs window last night. I'm talking windy.
