• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

the person below me

Hmm... I actually could have posted an audio, but I lost everything when the hard drive on my other computer crashed.

TPBM is pondering something.
Sorry, but not really. I've got more than enough pods ripening on my plants right now, in addition to all the dried pods I still have from last year. Some other time when I'm not awash in my own peppers, though.....

TPBM is or will enjoy their lunch today.
Nah. I have things in there where I purchased too much of something, so they've been there a while, but I don't usually get and store stuff for special occassions - I just get it when I need it.

TPBM has a need to clean out some old stuff from their cupboards.
That's freaky... I was! :scared: (Got my feet up on the end post of my bed.)

Quit spying on me! It's bad enough that pi likes to spy on me sometimes! :lol:

TPBM has spied on someone at some stage in their life.
Every now and then I think it would be good to have one. But real life always seems to put that out of the mind fairly quickly.

TPBM needs to either make or buy bread, as they're currently out.